Games Inbox: Too many Assassin’s Creed games, Steam Deck faults, and Fallout 76: The Pitt-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro
The Monday letters page really hopes that Crystal Dynamics will bring back Legacy Of Kain, as one reader makes his own Elden Ring DLC.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage – one of many (pic: Ubisoft)
The Monday letters page really hopes that Crystal Dynamics will bring back Legacy Of Kain, as one reader makes his own Elden Ring DLC.
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Long-term plan
Six new Assassin’s Creed games? I don’t know what to say, other than the obvious of that seems a bit much. What worries me about these plans is that Ubisoft has already planned out six new games (well, four proper games and two mobile apps) and yet they have no idea how any of them are going to go over with fans.
I’m sure that’s just the reality of games development but what if people go wild for Mirage not having any role-playing features? What if Jade is super unpopular and everyone hates Assassin’s Creed Infinity? Maybe the horror game will prove an unexpected hit and they’ve got nothing to follow it up with because the next three games are already planned out to come after it?
I couldn’t help but think of that Dark Universe cinematic universe that was supposed to follow on from The Mummy. They had all these big plans, with all the films planned out and actors signed up. The only problem is no-one liked the first one and the whole thing ended up being scrapped.
I’m not saying that will happen with Assassin’s Creed Infinity, but it seems like opening yourself up to trouble, not to mention it feels more like a conveyor belt than ever. Which is probably unfair to the games themselves, some of which sound interesting.
Inevitable losses
If the Activision Blizzard deal does go through, do you really think Sony is going to lose out massively? Personally, I think Sony will be just fine. They are currently in the number one place for digital sales, console sales, and revenue. They have a large group of developers in their portfolio, who are producing quality products. They also have massive franchises like Spider-Man that sell millions.
Admittedly Microsoft will make some gains, but not enough to stop people buying Sony products. Healthy competition is good and maybe this may force Sony to develop their own quality first person shooter to challenge Call Of Duty. They recently purchased Bungie, so they already have a perfect fit available.
GC: Microsoft acquiring one of the biggest third party publishers in the world was always going to be a blow for Sony. But it’s Game Pass that remains the most significant threat to PlayStation, especially as the revamped PS Plus shows how Sony is ill-equipped to compete with it directly.
Third time unlucky
I noticed you have a few stories about the Steam Deck and wanted to know if you have had any reports of issues with the device?
I pre-ordered mine in the first minute they went up for sale and received my first one in June. It’s now September and I am on my third device. Since July 3rd, when I first raised my issue, I have been dealing with Steam’s slow and painful RMA process. I received my third device last week, which also has issues and will more than likely need to be replaced again. All issues seem to stem from poor quality control. I’ve had issues such as grinding fan noise, foreign object underneath display, and issue with the Steam button.
I’ve now been without the device longer than I have actually had it at home.
All the reviews seem really positive, which they should be as the device is great, but I see no reports of issues so didn’t know if I have bad luck or if the issues are just not a focus for media companies.
GC: Yours is the first we’ve had, but we can’t pretend many people have ever written in about it.
E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk
Sometimes generous
On one hand, Nintendo are ridiculously generous with the new/old tracks being added to the base Mario Kart 8 at a very reasonable price.
While on the other, they release Splatoon 3 at full price, years after the previous one, but it seems nothing has changed much beyond some new weapons and new maps.
I think I’m going to hold off getting Splatoon for a while, as ’more of the same’ doesn’t appeal to me, not when I’ve already got a massive backlog to work through.
ttfp saylow (gamertag)
Now playing: No More Heroes 3
Ongoing legacy
My name is Francisco, I’m from Puerto Rico and I’m a fan of the Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver series. I have been waiting for a remake or a remastered version of the game and I really want that game to be made. I really hope for that game to be back.
I have been hoping for years that a company would revive my favourite PlayStation console franchise and it isn’t Final Fantasy 7, it has been and always is, the Legacy Of Kain franchise. I hope that with this little email I can at least make a statement that I really want this franchise to return and continue what was stopped years ago. Please, I beg you, bring back Legacy Of Kain, we need one more than ever.
Skip the first one
All of the Legacy Of Kain news is encouraging – it seems that both gamers and the developers haven’t forgotten about it.
But still, I can’t help but worry a little bit. The fact is, though studios produce games, it’s the individuals within working as a team that make them. The Crystal Dynamics of now are different to the Crystal Dynamics of back when the games were released, so would a new game be up to scratch in the writing department? Hopefully Amy Hennig left enough notes, and they don’t get ignored.
As for what project they would do, whilst I do think a remake of Blood Omen, to bring it in line with the others, would be a good idea, I think that may be complicated. Though Crystal Dynamics now own the Legacy Of Kain IP, I think Blood Omen might still be owned by Silicon Knights, and if that’s the case they would need to seduce (for lack of a better term) Dennis Dyack to be allowed.
Joseph Dowland
Currently playing: Super Robot Wars 30 (Switch)
GC: There is an infinity of better terms you could have used.
DLC included
There has been discussion in the Inbox recently about potential DLC for Elden Ring. Like most fans of the game I would be very enthusiastic to receive it, particularly as the DLC for all From’s previous games has been excellent.
I completed Elden Ring several months ago and have revisited it recently in order to obtain all of the legendary items. In doing so I already feel that I am playing some DLC for the game, albeit it some that it is free and part of the game itself! There are so many areas and bosses I was unaware of before now, which I am accessing and I am having a great time once again.
There have been stories in the past about some game companies cutting content that was originally planned for a game so they can sell it as DLC and gain additional revenue. From seem to do the opposite of this! Hopefully this continues in future now that their long-time critical success has finally been matched by commercial success.
ameisa (PSN ID)
Bad memories
Will you be reviewing the new Fallout 76 DLC? It’s the only Fallout game I’ve never tried, so I’m thinking it might be a good opportunity to jump in and give it a go, so would be great to get an idea if you think the game is in a good place these days.
GC: We’ll see if we can find someone to do it, but the memories of the game at launch still burn.
Responding to Stephen’s post about The Last Of Us Part 1 being too depressing. Admittedly I haven’t ever played The Last Of Us, due to being on Xbox, but I can certainly agree with his sentiment that the last few years has probably forever changed the way I game. I now don’t want to play violent horror games or even a lot of shooters because of how post-pandemic they make me feel (anxious!).
This is especially true for online multiplayer games, where I can’t help but feel overly competitive like I am not good enough or feel that I am just going to die again and again. Recently I have found myself going through puzzle games and story-driven narratives which have helped me rediscover a love for gaming. Road 96 has been excellent, and I really enjoyed Superliminal recently too. The pandemic definitely changed the way I game forever.
Inbox also-rans
Just a short message to say there are 11 Splatoon amiibo (!) in stock on Nintendo Store UK currently (Friday evening). They only appeared this morning on the store, as I check it most days for any amiibo I would like.
Andrew J.
Why does EA never learn? We don’t want a story campaign for Battlefield! Stop wasting your time with junk people don’t want and instead concentrate on giving them a good multiplayer game. If you’d do that then maybe a story campaign would make sense but you didn’t and it doesn’t!
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Gooch, who asks what is your favourite fantasy video game?
To be clear, that means anything with at least a vaguely Tolkien-esque feel, as popularised by Lord of the Rings, as well as low fantasy settings such as Game of Thrones, so it doesn’t necessary have to have orcs and elves in it.
How appealing do you find these sort of fantasy settings and do they influence what games you’re interested in, regardless of their gameplay? What more do you feel could be done with the concept and what next gen fantasy games are you most looking forward to?
E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk
The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.
MORE : Weekend Hot Topic: Which retro video games have aged the best?
MORE : Games Inbox: Rebooting and remaking Soul Reaver, the future of Tomb Raider, and Elden Ring DLC
MORE : Games Inbox: Nintendo in decline on Switch, too much Assassin’s Creed, and Cyberpunk 2077 sequel
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