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No difference between spinal versus general anaesthesia in patients having hip fracture surgery, finds study – – University of Bristol – All news

There are no differences in the safety or effectiveness of the two most common types of anaesthetic (spinal versus general anaesthesia) in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery, according to the findings of a new study led by the University of Bristol in collaboration with University of Warwick researchers. The findings, published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, analysed previously published data on nearly 4,000 hip fracture patients.

No difference between spinal versus general anaesthesia in patients having hip fracture surgery, finds study –  – University of Bristol – All news

There are no differences in the safety or effectiveness of the two most common types of anaesthetic (spinal versus general anaesthesia) in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery, according to the findings of a new study led by the University of Bristol in collaboration with University of Warwick researchers. The findings, published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, analysed previously published data on nearly 4,000 hip fracture patients.University of Bristol – All news

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