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Games Inbox: GTA 6 campaign co-op hopes, Sonic Frontiers love, and Nintendo live service games-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Thursday letters page wonders whether the bubble has burst on Game Pass and PS Plus, as one reader wishes luck to Mildly Annoying Games.

Games Inbox: GTA 6 campaign co-op hopes, Sonic Frontiers love, and Nintendo live service games-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

GTA Online – will GTA 6 be two-player all the way? (pic: Rockstar Games)

The Thursday letters page wonders whether the bubble has burst on Game Pass and PS Plus, as one reader wishes luck to Mildly Annoying Games.

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Grand idea
Thinking about GTA 6, since the subject has come up again this week, and also the new patch for Halo, has anyone considered that GTA 6 might have campaign co-op? I don’t remember it being part of any of the rumours, but I was slightly surprised that there was only going to be two playable characters in the new game, since the last one had three and these sort of things usually increase every time.

Then I thought, maybe it’s because it has co-op and you can only really do that with two? I mean, look at all the compromises Gotham Knights had to make, and it still only has two in its open world. I’m sure Rockstar is more technically able than whoever made that but still, it’s not an easy thing to do by my understanding of these things.

I think it would be a good idea too. I think it’s pretty clear by now that this generation is not going to see a massive improvement in graphics, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be advances in other ways, and co-op in giant open world games is one of them. Just a thought but if I’m right I demand 1% of the game’s profits!

Annoying news
I really wish I liked serious racing games because Mildly Annoying Games is the best name for a game developer ever, and so British! Kudos to the boss trying get the band back together and sticking it to EA, although I guess that’s one less publisher that’s willing to work with them!

Passion is what we should be encouraging in developers and breaking away from controlling, bean-counting monsters like EA. Most gamers know what happens to anyone EA buys so I’m sure anyone actually in the industry must do as well, but time and time again the owners of these studios sell them off for their own personal profit and the workers are left to suffer later.

So good luck to Mildly Annoying Games! I’ll probably never play your games but I’m glad you’re getting to make them.
Gary Bannister

Future subscriptions
Interesting to see the tide start to turn against Game Pass and similar subscriptions in recent weeks. The news that they’re not actually doing as well as we’d been led to believe and now the news that Take-Two don’t want anything to do with it. I wonder how many other big publishers feel the same way?

Obviously GTA 6 doesn’t need any help to be a hit but I’m sure Microsoft or Sony would’ve been happy to pay for it if that was an option.

I’ve always been in two minds about Game Pass. On the one had it’s great value for money and I can’t say no to it on those grounds. But at the same time the though in the back of my mind is that the endgame might be turning into the games equivalent of Netflix where new content is all that matters and quality isn’t even a question, it’s all just a grey sludge of mindless action and sleezy exploitation.

That’s not what Game Pass is at the moment but if it has to be remain only a mid-level success to keep it that way then I’m fine with that.

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Live service Nintendo
Amazing to think how Nintendo has got Japan all tied up with its games. I can see how Animal Crossing: New Horizons might become its most popular game ever but Splatoon 3? I played the first one and wasn’t that impressed but this actually makes me want to go back and give the new on a go because clearly someone likes it!

The thing that interests me is that these are both live service games. Not in the battle pass, microtransaction sense but they are both games that have content slowly added to them over time in a way that is not like traditional games, and certainly not like Nintendo games.

Of course there has to be a twist, because it’s Nintendo, and that’s that they stop support for them suddenly and for no reason. Why stop New Horizons when they did? They could’ve still been making content today and that would encourage more and more people to buy it.

Who can ever understand them but you can’t argue with the numbers, so who am I to question them?

Time commitment
Interesting to hear the makers of God Of War Ragnarök say they thought the game was a dud even just three months ago. I guess that explains why we heard so little about it in the run up to release. It does strike me though that making a modern game must be incredibly difficult and… probably not much fun?

Five or more years for a top-end one is more than a big budget so think of not only the pressure but how sick you must be of it by the end! I have huge respect for any developer that gets out even a half decent game but, maybe it’s just me, but the whole process sounds like a fairly miserable and unsatisfying one.

I mean, imagine being one of the Cyberpunk 2077 devs or working on Battlefield 2042 and knowing you killed a whole franchise. Maybe I’m just a coward but it all seems too much of a risk to me, over too long a space of time.

Hardware upgrade
Happy days. I’ve finally brought a PC, to replace my old model and usher in a modern era of gaming. I more or less grew up with an Acer model, that gave me countless memories of experiencing the terror of Left 4 Dead 2 and Half-Life 2. But there’s an expiration date for what you loved as a child and it’s time to consider an upgrade.

I never knew much about specs when I was a child, if RAM was truly important and the big deal with graphic cards. But these last few weeks, I’ve truly grown to gain far greater and wiser knowledge about the latter. I’ve managed to acquire a processor with Ryzen 5800H, which I attribute to luck, because I’ve learnt it’s a massively powerful processor.

I thankfully was able to use my vouchers from CeX, which equalled £102, to shave off the £500 cost. The model is also an ASUS Vivobook. Surprisingly, I didn’t actually know such a model existed, until yesterday. I guess surprises come in all shapes and sizes. I am a bit let down, that the model is only 16GB RAM but at least it’ll make up for it with a sweet set-up and the fact I can finally find out about the fuss with Phasmophobia.
Shahzaib Sadiq

A strong had
I got excited for a minute, at the news that Halo Infinite was getting co-op, then I remembered it was online only and they’d already cancelled the split-screen option. What a mess.

We’ve had a few letters and features about it lately but it really doesn’t feel like Microsoft has much of a handle on its developers. I doubt this is out of incompetence but I suspect they think they’re being ‘good’ and letting them get on with it. People need leadership though and the irony is if they’d been a bit more commanding they might have not had so many problems.

Once every 24 years
After being floored by the Sonic Frontiers reviews and then actually playing the game, I’ve just about composed myself, and I think your review was spot on.

At most, I was expecting it would only be considered good because there was an extremely low benchmark to clear. But I’ve genuinely enjoyed it, to the point where after telling myself I’d search out one more collectable in the open world before going to bed; I was still saying the same thing three hours later. How refreshing to play a Sonic game where the urge to keep going is because it’s so much fun, rather than frustratedly trying to get through an onerous level.

Sure, the Cyber Space stages enshrine the worst elements of modern Sonic: in 3D you’re suddenly back to randomly being catapulted off the side of the screen or stodgily wading through retro-inspired 2D levels. But these moments are, at least, short and far more palatable when you’re not clinging onto them as the best Sonic Team can do.

Consider me one very happy Sonic fan. Let’s just hope it’s not such a long wait until the next good game in the series.

Inbox also-rans
I’d just like to say a big thank you to reader LastYearsModel for his generosity in giving out the Resident Evil Winters’ Expansion code, it’s much appreciated and I look forward to getting stuck into over the cough winter evenings.

I would be all over Legend Of Zelda Lego, but only if it’s proper minifigures. I get the Super Mario ones, and it’s clever how it works, but as an adult they don’t look like much fun to collect. A Lego Temple of Time though? I’m making room on my shelf for that!

This week’s Hot Topic
With Sonic Frontiers out this week the subject for this weekend’s Inbox asks what’s your favourite platform game?

Platformers are one of the oldest genres in gaming, but which do you like best and why? Do you have a favourite 2D and 3D game and which style do you generally prefer? How much difference does the main character make and which is your favourite?

What do you think of the general state of platformers at the moment and what new ones are you looking forward to? What direction could developers take them in the future and what do you hope new technology will allow?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Waiting for God Of War Ragnarök on PC, Sonic Frontiers surprises, and Superman: The Game

MORE : Games Inbox: Sonic Frontiers as the best Sonic game, John Wick: The Game, and Mass Effect 4 secrecy

MORE : Games Inbox: God Of War Ragnarök before the 2018 reboot, Ghost Song tropes, and Dragon Quest 12 news

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