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Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano on the importance of trans actors playing trans characters-Sue Crawford-Entertainment – Metro

‘It gives an authentic portrayal of the story.’

Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano on the importance of trans actors playing trans characters-Sue Crawford-Entertainment – Metro

Ash Palmisciano says he’s had some ‘cool experiences’ since taking on the role (Picture: Getty)

The actor, 32, on making history as Emmerdale’s first-ever transgender character and working as a castle peasant.

How does it feel to play the first transgender character in Emmerdale history?

I’ve had some really cool experiences, where mums, dads and nans have said they’ve been able to talk about their son who is trans, because my character Matty [who was previously known as Hannah and played by Grace Cassidy] was on telly at the time.

And the thing that’s really touched my heart is that young people who are trans have said to me it’s been easier for them to explain who they are at school. They’ll say, ‘I’m just like Matty Barton,’ and their friends go, ‘OK, I get it.’

Would you have liked to have seen someone like Matty on TV when you were growing up?

It would have definitely got the cogs turning and made me think maybe that was something I wanted to pursue. And it would have helped me to broach the subject with people.

It would have given me confidence too, because as humans we all want to feel connected, we want to be like everybody else. It’s important we have someone to compare ourselves with.

Ash’s character Matty was previously known as Hannah and played by Grace Cassidy (Picture: ITV)

Was the Emmerdale job life-changing for you?

It was like the start of the line. I’d been trying to be an actor for a long time. I was getting a few jobs but nothing major and I was getting to the point where I was really struggling for money and being advised by my family to maybe think about doing something else.

At the same time, I was also trying to figure out how I could help other trans people, so when the role came up it seemed like a fantastic opportunity.

Should trans characters be played by trans actors?

We now know what it’s like to be gay. If someone was asked to describe a gay person, they’d be able to explain. But if you asked a lot of people what a trans person is, you’d get a lot of different answers.

Ash says it’s important that trans roles are played by trans actors. Elliot Page (pictured) is one of the most high-profile trans actors working today (Picture: Shutterstock)

That’s why it’s important for trans actors to play these roles at the moment, to give viewers a chance to see an authentic portrayal of a story. It helps people know that trans people look like everybody else, that they can live completely ordinary lives and also be successful – it’s not scary. And there are some great trans actors out there who deserve the parts.

When did you decide to become an actor?

I loved drama at school and I’d do a weekend show for my parents. After school I auditioned for drama schools but I didn’t get in. Self-doubt crept in and I had a lot going on in my head.

I went back to it after I transitioned, feeling like I had lot more confidence, so was able to commit more to the parts. I did a short course at the Central School of Speech and Drama and I got a couple of auditions off the back of that.

Ash got the job on Emmerdale after visiting the set as a charity volunteer (Picture: ITV/Shutterstock)

Was it instant success?

Like all jobbing actors, I was doing any job I could get my hands on. I was an elf at Christmas, I worked at Warwick Castle as a peasant, I was ‘tree number three’ at the Royal Shakespeare Company.

How did you get your TV break?

I did a lovely TV show called Boy Meets Girl on BBC2 with Denise Welch but after that things didn’t go too well and I started doing more charity work. I thought that might be my vocation in life.

Ash worked alongside Denise Welch when he first started out (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

Ash at the National Diversity Awards in Liverpool earlier this year (Picture: Shirlaine Forrest/Getty)

The charity All About Trans were going to Emmerdale to talk about a potential trans character. They invited some of their volunteers and when I was there, I gave them some tips on what would make a great character.

As I was leaving, the casting director said, ‘Do you have any experience of acting by any chance?’ I said, ‘Well, actually, I am an actor,’ and I was invited to audition.

Is Matty a likeable character?

He’s warm-hearted, hard-working and he wants to please and make people happy. He also happens to be a trans man, so he’s had to make a few changes to become Matty.

What’s happening on screen?

Cain Dingle is in jail for killing Al Chapman. Matty has been suspicious about what’s gone on. His girlfriend mysteriously left the village, closely followed by his mum. When he finds out the truth – that Cain’s son was responsible for the killing – he’s hurt they’ve kept it from him.

A road trip around America is on Ash’s bucket list (Picture: Richard Young/Shutterstock)

Did your girlfriend know you were in Emmerdale?

No. I told her about it, thinking she might like it, but she doesn’t even watch Emmerdale. She likes that 
I don’t just do this job to act, that I use my platform for other things.

More: Sixty Seconds

What do you enjoy?

Gigs and festivals. I’m a massive foodie and I love cooking with my girlfriend. 
I’m also a patron for the charity Diversity Role Models, so I go into schools and give talks about the importance of being yourself.

Anything on your bucket list?

I’d love to do a gritty British film. I’d also like to do a road trip around the US and I’d love to be a parent one day.

Emmerdale is on ITV1 weekdays at 7.30pm

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