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Games Inbox: Waiting for Starfield, Resident Evil 4 remake confidence, and Dragon Age 2 remaster-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Thursday letters page discusses what it wants from the next Tomb Raider, as one reader enjoys The Mandalorian side quests.

Games Inbox: Waiting for Starfield, Resident Evil 4 remake confidence, and Dragon Age 2 remaster-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Starfield – at least they’re not rushing it (pic: Microsoft)

The Thursday letters page discusses what it wants from the next Tomb Raider, as one reader enjoys The Mandalorian side quests.

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TV Tropes
Why is it that rumours about delays are the ones that are always right, no matter what? Can’t say I’m surprised about Starfield, though, the fact that they didn’t give a date for the showcase was a big red flag, although this is still later than I would’ve assumed. September is a slightly odd choice too; I wonder if that’s leaving space for another big Christmas game or if that’s it? Although I suppose it could be for Forza Motorsport, which I don’t care about.

I wouldn’t trust Todd Howard to tell me his name but I have to say I’m optimistic about the game. It was all designed before the Microsoft takeover and while they have their blind spots, I do think Bethesda care about what they do and seem to really be trying to do something different here. I think it’s pretty obvious they know about their problem with bugs, and I assume the delay was more about fixing that than anything else.

The only thing I’m a bit worried about is the plot, which is always the weakest part of their games. The storytelling and characters can be good, but the story is usually a big fat nothing. If this turns out to be about yet another precursor race, which is exactly what it looks like so far, I will not be impressed. Do something more original!
Fuji IX

Take your time
It’s always a disappointment when a game is delayed but personally I’m glad Bethesda are taking their time with Starfield. Like you said, they need to get this game right and I don’t think it’s going to make any financial difference to Microsoft whether it comes out now or in the run-up to Christmas.

If Starfield turned out bad it’d put the whole business of buying Bethesda into question and once again leave Xbox looking like it can’t do first party games. If it’s good though, then it’s able to turn that narrative around and go by the old idea that you’re only as good as your last game.

Quiet birthday
Since everyone likes reminding people about unnoteworthy anniversaries I’d just like to say that this week is the 12th birthday of Dragon Age 2, which I think I’m right in saying was most people’s least favourite of the series. It was certainly a bit of knee jerk reaction to the first one being quite slow and strategic but, as ever, they took it too far and there was too much dull action.

I forget the reason why it was all set in the same city, with just the dungeons nearby, I think it was because the game was taking too long and they had to redesign it at the last minute? Whatever it was I do think it actually worked. Sure it was repetitive in terms of the dungeon crawling but it gave the characters a chance to shine and the locations started to feel a lot more real.

Of course the next one went all open world, trying to copy Skyrim, but while it was probably a better game I felt it had less of a unique personality. I’m sure Dragon Age 4 won’t be taking much inspiration from 2 but I’d welcome a remaster. Mass Effect got one and yet Dragon Age is the bigger seller, so it doesn’t quite seem fair.

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The final raid
Well, that Tomb Raider mobile game looks and sounds awful. I’m guessing that must’ve been the last thing Square Enix greenlit before they sold everything, so I’m thinking that maybe that was for the best because I don’t think their heart was really in it.

I enjoyed the reboot trilogy well enough but it never really felt that much like the original games and I resented that the more it went. In terms of personality Lara was just a mopey hypocrite, not a sassy it girl, and while there were more puzzles in the later game platforming still wasn’t a major part of the game. The original games were, first and foremost, platform games and that’s completely been lost nowadays.

I think for many it would’ve been the first 3D platformer they played, unless they happened to own an N64, and I feel it’s a shame the series has forgotten that legacy. Sure, you jump around on platforms a lot but it’s all completely skill-less and proscribed, no better than Uncharted. I’m hoping for more in the new game.

GC: It was started under Square Enix, yes.

Just Lego
Sad to hear about the problems at Traveller’s Tales, with the Lego games. I have very fond memories of playing those with my kids, when they were young, and we still had good fun with the most recent Star Wars game. I imagine they’d enjoy the Harry Potter game too, although the thought of going through the whole thing again doesn’t fill me with quite so much excitement.

I’m not sure what the problem was with the studio – sounds like business stuff behind the scenes, and the unfair deadlines they were working under, more than anything so I doubt we’ll get the full story.

It’s hard to say where they should go next with the concept as The Skywalker Saga was already about as complicated you could get without really over doing. I’d say maybe this new company will be able to expand things out without the restrictions of being a Lego game, but I can’t say a Funko game sounds like any more of a step up.

This is the side quest
I know people have already joked that The Mandalorian is written like a role-playing game but it’s more obvious this season than before. The first episode is basically Mando just going back to places he’s already been to see if any new quests have popped up. Then episode 2 is a fetch quest with a bit of backtracking and a boss fight.

This cannot be a coincidence, they must be leaning into it now, but I don’t really see what the point is, other than it’s a quick and lazy way to crib together an episode. To be honest this season has been a big disappointment so far, with very little plot and a much more cartoonish tone than the actual Star Wars cartoons.

I’m also going to enjoy the irony that when the inevitable video game version does come out it ends up not being a role-playing game. Although to be honest, if this season doesn’t kick itself into gear I wonder if interest in the show is going to dry up a lot quicker than Disney expected.

My uncle works at Nintendo
Everyone presumes that the next Nintendo console will be more powerful than the Switch, but from what I hear it’ll be about as powerful as the NES. The logic being that indie games are very popular, and as long as it can run those, that’ll be enough.

The good news is that it’ll only be £29.99 and it will be able to play VHS and Betamax tapes.
Tim Keeling

Character action
I’d like to see the next Legend Of Zelda game after Tears Of The Kingdom be something using the same graphical engine as the Switch version of Link’s Awakening.

Obviously, I want to see a new game and not just a remake of A Link To The Past.

A Link Between Worlds was probably the last real, original overhead Zelda 2D action adventure we saw, I’m not counting Triforce Heroes because that always felt like a side project to me.

Failing that, I wouldn’t exactly cry myself to sleep if the next big 3D adventure copied the graphical art style of The Wind Waker.

I’ve had a weird relationship with that game, I’ve gone from first completely hating it to it growing on me and now I consider it my second favourite Zelda game of all time, second only to Ocarina Of Time.

On another note, this is probably the least excited I’ve been about a new Zelda games release for as long as I can remember.

Breath Of The Wild was fine but I played through it once and never went back to it again. I suspect Tears Of The Kingdom is just more of the same with a few added features.

I’m really putting my head on the chopping block here but I’m gonna say Breath Of The Wild lacked character.

There’s no character in that game I remember fondly or want to go back and visit.

No lonely old man stuck up the mountainside needing help to get down, or a monkey who could get you into a dungeon because he could reach places you couldn’t, no lovely old granny who cared about you, no sick kid in his bed who needs to feel better, no cheeky little masked boy goading you on.

All of these things might not seem like much but they all add up to the bigger picture, I do believe Twilight Princess suffered the same lack of character that I’m talking about with Breath Of The Wild.

Midna was awesome and I’m not taking anything away from her, she’s one of my favourite sidekicks, but after her it becomes quite sterile as a game. You can’t top Navi in Ocarina Of Time though.

I’m going off on a tangent here and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.

All I’m saying is Nintendo should do this Tears Of The Kingdom thing and move on.

I totally get their mentality behind it, but they need to get this game off their chest and start bringing some character back into the Zelda games again.

I don’t want my favourite series to fall into the trap of just constantly trying to seduce its audience with how big the world is, we’ve got enough of those games.

I’d rather have something half the size with characters I care about and feel like I’m making a difference to them.
freeway 77

Inbox also-rans
Is anyone else being put off from playing Call Of Duty by constantly hearing about it from all this acquisition business. I’m just sick of hearing the name!

So is Resident Evil 4 going to be the least surprising game ever? I’m in a position where I’m more confident about its quality than the new Zelda. Cannot wait!

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was inspired by reader Xane, who asks what famous game or franchise have you never played?

Many video games may be considered all-time classics but which ones have never played yourself? Did you avoid the game on purpose or is it just something you never got round to – or were unable to play because it was on a format you didn’t own?

Do you make an effort to play critically acclaimed games even if they don’t seem quite your sort of thing? Have you ever been surprised by a classic game because it was something different to what you assumed?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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