Weekend Hot Topic: Famous franchises you’ve never played-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro
Readers discuss the classic games they’ve never played themselves, from Final Fantasy to The Legend Of Zelda.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – some people have never played it (pic: Activision)
Readers discuss the classic games they’ve never played themselves, from Final Fantasy to The Legend Of Zelda.
The subject for this week’s Hot Topic was suggested by reader Xane, who asked which iconic games you’ve never played and whether you were avoiding them on purpose or if it’s just something you never got around to.
Just about every major franchise got a mention, with the number one reason for missing out being, predictably, not owning the right console at the appropriate time.
The game of the hour
The first franchise that came to mind for this question is pretty topical at the moment: Call Of Duty. Microsoft might be turning the industry upside down trying to get hold of it but who ends up owning Activision Blizzard will make absolutely no difference to me.
I’ll admit first person shooters aren’t my favourite but it’s not like I haven’t enjoyed any in the past, but Call Of Duty’s particular brand of machoism, jingoism, and gun fetishism has never appealed to me. If I do play a shooter it’s never the multiplayer mode, so again Call Of Duty has little to offer me.
I do remember being interested in Call Of Duty 4 when that was a big thing, but I don’t remember exactly why I never got it in the end. I think it was because it never went on cheap and I just never got round to it.
That alone speaks to the series’ popularity but the more popular it’s got the less accessible it seems to be, with all these complicated multiplayer options and terminology that just convinces me more than ever that it’s not for me. Clearly I’m in a minority but I’m fine with that.
Never Fantasy
Never played a Final Fantasy game. I was an N64 owner back in the day and I was always a bit dismissive of the hype surrounding Final Fantasy 7; the endless discussion of ‘that scene’, and how it heralded a new age of emotional engagement in games… it was lost on me.
Since then, I’ve never been tempted to sample any subsequent entries in the series. I guess the core mechanics and conventions of the games, and the genre itself, just doesn’t appeal.
Mark Fitz
The third time’s the charm
I have never played any of The Witcher games. The main reason behind it is the fact that I’m really not interested in RPG games and the whole fantasy genre. Both just bore me to death. That also means I’m one of the heretics that are not into Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit or anything containing magic, dwarves, elves and dragons. It’s just not my cup of coffee.
The other reason is whenever I hear about something for the 100th time, and how great it is, the result is quite the opposite and I lose my interest. So yeah, I avoided these on purpose and just let everyone else enjoy it. Everyone has his own definition of fun and that’s OK.
Pope John
GC: To be fair, few people have played anything other than The Witcher 3.
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Ancillary media
Pokémon. Never owned or played any of them. I never got the notion to ever try it even. I could probably blame the awful animated series that has been on for a million years or so.
Perhaps it’s due to never owning a Nintendo console till I got a GameCube, but that was for the sole purpose of playing the, at the time, Resident Evil exclusives.
Perhaps if I’d known it was more like a role-playing game I would have had a go but I never did and at this stage I more than likely never will.
Could have gone the Zelda franchise but I’ve tried a few of those at least and am actually looking forward to Breath Of The Wild on my Wii U.
GC: Looking forward? Did you email this from the space year 2017?
Sort of a franchise
Famous game or franchise I’ve never played? For me that’s an easy one, it’s any of the FromSoftware Soulsborne games (is that a franchise? Not sure… I kind of think of it in that way as most of that style of game are by the same developer).
Anyway, the reason is simple. I want to enjoy my games, and as someone with not much gaming time, and below par hand/eye coordination I simply know I wouldn’t! I would just end up dying so often I would just get bored/infuriated.
I grew up playing games in the 80s and 90s when three lives and permadeath in games was the norm. I loved my games then but was always rubbish at them – with at least 80% of games going unfinished (although somehow I managed to finish the Spectrum port of the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game). I remember getting so infuriated when I got stuck then, especially when my mates would seemingly breeze through a lot of these games. These aren’t feelings I want to experience in my 40s thanks (although sometimes playing Overcooked comes close!).
There can also be times when I’m only playing my racing sims, meaning I won’t play whatever other game I have for a few weeks. It can be bad enough relearning controls on a standard game, trying to relearn on a Soulsborne game just does not appeal.
I’m quite happy sticking with games I know I can complete and enjoy. Often the likes of Assassin’s Creed or Tomb Raider, where I can just enjoy the game and gawp at the scenery. Or Skyrim where I can just do what the heck I want.
Anyway, I totally understand why many people do love these games, I understand the thrill of the challenge and the sense of satisfaction these games could give. But I get that from my racing games (and even then, I’m not good – I get excited with a top 10 finish in my racing league!).
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I’m glad these games exist, I’m glad people love them, I’m also certain I have no desire to ever play them…
Have fun everyone, whatever you play!
The Dude Abides
Sheltered upbringing
I have never played a Zelda game. The only Nintendo console I owned was a Nintendo 64 and I spent most of my time playing GoldenEye 007, ISS Pro, Wave Race 64 and the WCW Wrestling games.
I also played Super Mario 64 and this is really the only Mario game I have played to any great extent.
Music only
I would definitely not play a game due to a good reception or the popularity of it – no way! It definitely has to bond with me emotionally or forget about it! Time is precious for sure.
Though I have nothing against tactical role-players in general, I definitely don’t get the idea of just super hard levelling up with the characters. Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, and Disgaea are far too one sided for me.
The traditional role-players like Star Ocean, Final Fantasy main series, and Persona have plenty of turn-based combat but the story in-between these is more immersive, which sells me a lot more than the story taking more of second place to combat.
Now I could be wrong about tactical role-players, but the whole point of this Hot Topic is games that I’ve never played.
I can’t see myself changing my mind in the future unless I can slow down time to play them or maybe experiencing a franchise and be remarkably surprised. But I don’t think I have misunderstood anything here regarding these types of games!
But on the plus side I have plenty of tactical role-player soundtracks, which I can definitely get immersed in and the Final Fantasy Tactics one is as good as they come – been a fan of this for years. Highly recommend.
GC: Tactical role-players aren’t known for being unusually difficult and most could probably do with less story, not more.
E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk
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