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Weekend Hot Topic: The longest you’ve gone without playing games-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Readers reveal the longest period of time they’ve gone without playing video games on a regular basis.

Weekend Hot Topic: The longest you’ve gone without playing games-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Finding time for it all can be difficult

Readers reveal the longest period of time they’ve gone without playing video games on a regular basis.

The subject for this week’s Hot Topic was suggested by reader Korey, who asked whether you’ve ever been, or currently are, a lapsed gamer, and if so what pushed you away and what drew you back in.

In the end, there were two common stories: giving up for a short period of time because of a change in circumstances or simply not having enough time the older you get…

Every other generation
I’ve gone without games a number of times in my life. First at college in the PS1 era for a number of years, then when I got a decent job I bought an Xbox 360 and enjoyed that and the beginning of online play.

I then got married and had kids and missed the whole end of that generation and the next. Things are a little quieter now though, so I’ve jumped back in with the PlayStation 5 and am very much enjoying myself.

I don’t know about games being my favourite hobby, I like my rugby and I try to be a bit of a musician when I can, but it’s definitely up there. The only problem is that it’s so antisocial, in terms of sitting at home doing something else you have to concentrate on, and time consuming.

I kind of feel the off and on experiences I’ve had are almost a positive though as seeing what the new machines can do each time has been pretty awesome.

Everything in moderation
I almost feel like I should lie here, to make me seem more windswept and interesting, but I don’t think there’s ever really been a time in my life that I haven’t been playing video games to some degree. The intensity comes and goes, as you’d imagine, and I certainly get less time for it now than I used to, but I wouldn’t say I ever really went a week or two without playing.

That said I don’t tend to play for very long, not any more, so most of this is an hour or two ever second or third day? Something like that. Then maybe a longer session at the weekend or when a new game comes – when I’ve been known to take a couple of days off work to play it.

Gaming is important to me but I don’t like to think I go overboard with it or anything and certainly wouldn’t considered myself addicted or anything. It’s just a fun, value for money, way to entertain yourself and I don’t see myself ever stopping.

Just a break
The closest I’ve come to a gaming lull was during the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360/Wii era.

I played a good bit on my DS, but as far as AAA gaming went I didn’t really bother.

I think I only played the two Super Mario Galaxies, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Portal 2, and Resident Evil 5 before my love for gaming rekindled in 2013.

Ironically, I was working in games retail at the time, so I still kept up-to-date with gaming at a distance.

Disengaging with gaming for that long had its upsides though, as I was able to pick up a bunch of games I missed for dirt cheap to find out what all the fuss was about.

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Off and on
I am 50 this year, so have been gaming on and off for a long while. I played on the ZX Spectrum back in the 80s, until about 1988 when I stopped gaming. I guess the reason was I couldn’t afford an Amiga or Atari.

I then came back into gaming at about 2000, when a neighbour introduced me to Doom on the PS1. A PS1, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and the Xbox 360 were bought over the years, until I just decided to sell them and stopped playing. This gap lasted a couple of years, until a friend introduced me to Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Been gaming regularly since.

Thanks for the good work GC.
Manic miner 100 (gamertag)

Blame Covid
Interesting topic for me, as despite considering gaming as one of my main hobbies the time I spend actually playing games has dwindled pretty spectacularly over the last few years. I’m still engaged in it on a daily basis, from reading GameCentral and discussing games with other readers online, but in general I think I’m lucky if I play for more than an hour a week.

There are a number of reasons for this, including the general demands of adult life, such as home renovations and looking after elderly relatives, but the pandemic was also a big factor in pushing me away from gaming, as I felt like I had to step up and support others who struggled with the isolation. Those habits have continued since and it’s just easier to watch a TV show or a film together, than to secrete myself away in my games room for hours on end.

Every now and then a game will really grab me (the most recent one being The Last Of Us Part 2 at the end of 2022) but I can go weeks without playing anything. The PS Vita and Switch are handy for quick bursts of shooters like TxK and Ikaruga, but it can be a struggle to commit myself to a long game given the time between sessions (I’ve got to roughly the same point in Horizon Zero Dawn twice now and really don’t have much motivation to see it out).

I’m still clinging on to the hope that things will change, and I’ll catch up eventually but I’m probably kidding myself on!

Keeping up
It’s rare for me to entirely go without gaming for days on end – there’s always some little, timewaster on mobile to kill a few minutes. But I have gone a few days without going back to a ‘big’ game on consoles. This is mainly down to my terrible sleeping patterns, if nothing else, compounded by the fact that a longer session just tires me out much faster and much more completely than in my 20s or even a few years back to my 30s.

Yes. I know exactly how I sound!

Gaming, eh? It’s a young man’s game, son… (Do your best Paul Whitehouse as old worker character from The Fast Show impression, here).

Console break
I would personally not say I have ever been a lapsed gamer but I do take breaks in some way or another from time to time. The energy and zest from when I was a kid has definitely lessened regarding continually playing all the time! But games are definitely not responsible for me losing any interest, instead it’s other distractions and different hobbies that have come to the forefront, so gaming steps aside temporarily.

Ironically, I am continually in touch with gaming from Twitch, YouTube content, and GameCentral on Metro, and other websites if needed. Basically, I used to play nearly every day but that’s impossible right now and I don’t feel I really want to either, including watching too much TV.

I do have a limit in what I enjoy and breaks in-between programmes, films, and games are needed as I feel the interest wavers and I need to have this energy recharged again. Thinking about where I am going to go next in a game, or what I am going to do from a quest or mission point of view, is basically me getting excited and recharging my serotonin levels. Then I’m ready to pick up the gauntlet again. I am like my own hype machine.

I was having a bigger break from games a little while back, until I bought the new Switch OLED and Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. A decent game does help, or something different to what I usually play on the PlayStation or laptop. As GameCentral have said often, changing to a different type of game does help break the norm to a degree.

Saying all that, I did pick up and play mobile games on the iPhone whilst on a console break, so I was never really lapsed, just making time for other hobbies. I would never be away from games for any major length of time though, I just love games far too much for that.

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