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Saturday Night Takeaway viewers in hysterics as Declan Donnelly is plunged into ice bath: ‘Funniest moment ever on TV!’-Emily Bashforth-Entertainment – Metro

‘Best bit of telly I’ve seen in ages’.

Saturday Night Takeaway viewers in hysterics as Declan Donnelly is plunged into ice bath: ‘Funniest moment ever on TV!’-Emily Bashforth-Entertainment – Metro

Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly got a real shock when they were plunged into ice baths (Picture: ITV)

Saturday Night Takeaway viewers have a new favourite moment after seeing host Declan Donnelly plunged into a bath of freezing ice water.

This weekend’s episode (March 25) saw the return of Ant vs Dec, which sees Geordie presenter Dec go head-to-head with co-star Ant McPartlin in a series of challenges, hoping to win a trophy at the end, while the loser accepts a forfeit.

With Stephen Mulhern hosting the segment of the chaotic show, the long-time friends were tasked with a simple quiz.

Ant and Dec were given topics – from Monopoly locations to winners of Britain’s Got Talent – and had to confidently give a number of things they could name in that category.

The person who claims to know the most had to list as many as possible but, if they stumbled at any point, they’d be cranked one level further towards a bath of ice.

Likewise, if they successfully named the number they said they could, their opponent would be moved.

Stephen Mulhern enjoyed teasing the Geordie star, despite him winning this week’s Ant vs Dec (Picture: ITV)

Dec begged not to be lowered into the ice bath (Picture: ITV)

Unfortunately for Ant, it wasn’t his game at all, as he ended up firmly in the bath of ice cubes while Dec was way up in the air.

Naturally, the TV star screamed and pulled a series of hysterical expressions, in shock at how cold the bath actually was.

Meanwhile, Dec remained smug at the top, satisfied that he wouldn’t be getting dunked after having ‘sleepless nights’ over the fear.

But where there’s a Stephen Mulhern, there’s a way, as the In For a Penny frontman decided to give Dec a cheeky dip anyway.

‘We can’t leave it there, can we?’, Stephen teased, just as Dec thought he was home dry.

…but his face was a real picture (Picture: ITV)

Viewers hailed it the ‘funniest moment’ of the series (Picture: ITV)

Dec gave us memes for days (Picture: ITV)

‘Get him in, get him in!’, Ant chanted, as the studio audience begged to see Dec dunked also.

‘Don’t you dare, don’t you dare,’ Dec begged, but his desperate pleas fell on deaf ears.

‘Stephen, don’t you dare! Stop it, stop it!’, he shouted, before being submerged in the horrifically cold bath.

It was all worth it, though, as Dec’s face was an absolute picture in the end.

‘I’m gonna smash your face in!’, he threatened Stephen, with Ant in fits of laughter, despite still freezing himself.

Ant could barely contain his laughter (Picture: ITV)

#saturdaynighttakeaway Dec shouting ‘I’m going to smash your face in’ as he gets dunked in the ice bath 😂😂 howling

— Jo (@Little_MissJoJo) March 25, 2023

#SaturdayNightTakeaway poor Dec this will definitely be a meme for many years 🤣🤣🤣

— Leanne White (@Mammy_white) March 25, 2023

Absolutely hilarious dropping Dec in. Laughed so loud #SaturdayNightTakeaway

— Julie Andrews 💙 (@jujugaboo) March 25, 2023

Dec thought he got away with icy freezing bath has he won against ant. His face looked scared going into the bath 😂 #saturdaynighttakeaway

— Marie Anthony 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧 (@mlawelshgirl) March 25, 2023

dec in the ice bath has to be the funniest moment ever on tv! Rewound twice already ! 😂😂😂 #SaturdayNightTakeaway

— rhian (@Rhiwheats) March 25, 2023

Viewers at home were also in hysterics, as one person tweeted: ‘This is going down as one of the funniest moments to ever happen on #SaturdayNightTakeaway’.

‘Dec fully thought Stephen would stop it right before he hit the bath, best bit of telly I’ve seen in ages’, another laughed.

‘This was absolutely hysterical’, one added, with another echoing: ‘Absolutely belly laughing. Hilarious’.

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‘Hahahaha Dec being lowered into the ice bath is the most I’ve laughed at a TV programme in a long time! Highlight of the series!’, a fan penned.

Luckily, Dec was able to dry off and finish the show – but something tells us he won’t be forgiving Stephen in a hurry!

Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway returns next Saturday at 7pm on ITV.

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