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Games Inbox: Tears Of The Kingdom review score predictions, Switch 2 theories, and Dead Rising love-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Wednesday letters page thinks there’s no need for a Metal Gear Solid 2 remake, as one reader recommends Museo Videojuego.

Games Inbox: Tears Of The Kingdom review score predictions, Switch 2 theories, and Dead Rising love-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – what will be the critical response? (pic: Nintendo)

The Wednesday letters page thinks there’s no need for a Metal Gear Solid 2 remake, as one reader recommends Museo Videojuego.

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Shocking scores
So I assume the reviews for Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom will be arriving in the next day or two and I suppose the obvious guess is that it’ll be 10/10s all round? Except will it be? I imagine there will be some sites that will want to stand out by being contrarians and scoring lowering, especially if it still has breakable weapons and is the same basic map as before.

I’m not sure there was any of that going on with Breath Of The Wild, because its quality seemed to come as a genuine surprise to everyone, but this time round I suspect people will be wanting to make their mark by pointing out every little fault. Performance will also be picked on, I imagine, if there’s any problems.

There’s also the Star Wars problem that if the plot doesn’t live up to everyone’s fan theories then Nintendo is going to be criticised for not reading everyone’s collective mind and doing exactly what they wanted. I don’t think there’s any reason to think Zelda will be playable, for example, and given her terrible voice acting I’ll be happy if she’s in it less not more.

I do expect a 10/10 from GC but while a 9/10 wouldn’t be a huge surprise I would be shocked if it was any lower.

Ultra plausible
I’m convinced the Switch 2 will come with an Ultrahand glove peripheral. Just as Link used a slate (i.e. Switch) in Breath Of The Wild, he’s using the Ultrahand in Tears Of The Kingdom, giving a hint at Nintendo’s next console and giving people a reason to buy Tears Of The Kingdom on the new console.

Plus, talk of a Seattle showcase makes me think this even more, as you need to experience this kind of thing in action; just as Nintendo historically did with Wii motion controls. You can see how it could work as Glovie, rather than Cappy, for the next Mario game also.
Deave P

GC: Knowing Nintendo, that’s not even that crazy a theory. But it seems that Seattle event is not for the Switch 2.

Failing upwards
Every now and again, a statement in a review stays with me, such as the GC quote from the Super Mario Galaxy 2 review, in reference to Nintendo originally trying to rush a sort of remix of the first game: ‘Despite all their attempts to create a cynical cash-in, though, Nintendo have failed utterly.’ Super Mario Galaxy 2 not only surpassed the original, but became the best Mario game, which by Mario’s high standards makes it one of the best game of all time.

The above quote may resonate when it comes to Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, I understand the game was initially going to be DLC for Zelda: Breath Of The Wild until they yet again failed spectacularly with having too many ideas, so settled on creating a rare direct sequel.

I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary to believe lightning can strike twice and for Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom to ‘fail utterly’ yet again and become one of the best games ever made.

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Art exhibition
Just wanted to give a heads up to any of the GC community who might be passing through Malaga Spain on their hols to check out OXO Gaming Museum or Museo Videojuego as the locals say!

It’s five minutes from the Picasso Museum, which was the ruse I used to get the missus into the area… It covers three floors and has the history of video games on one floor, with many of the consoles playable from across the decades. I had never seen a Virtual Boy in the wild, so got to try that amongst all the old favourites. Another floor has an exhibition space – at the moment it has Animal Crossing, God Of War, and Call Of Duty stuff, along with an online gaming room.

The third floor has arcade games such as Street Fighter, Guitar Hero, a Japanese drum game, After Burner, giant Tetris and many other bits ‘n’ pieces like PlayStation 5s and VR. My personal favourite was the Star Wars Battle Pod and all cabinets are on freeplay!

As I mentioned, I had my better half with me, who has no interest in gaming, and she thoroughly enjoyed it too, we were there for at least two or three hours and I could have done another few! Check it out here.

About time
Lempton’s comment regarding Capcom and Dead Rising… did they think that Dead Island was the same thing, I’m so confused by their statement? Believe it or not, there are a good few of us who have been asking for this. I for one welcome Dead Rising coming back, so long as it’s more in line with the first two games, having psychopaths, a fun explorable mall, and a tight time line… rather than the bloated open worlds of the later two games, and the really not great gameplay of that final game.

It’s weird, it took Capcom 11 years to bring back Devil May Cry, and six years since the reboot. This new rumour indicates Dead Rising is a reboot as well and it’s been six years since the last game – although it could well be seven or eight by the time it actually comes out.

I wonder if Dead Rising will follow in the same pattern, have a reboot that’s praised by critics but hated by fans, and then returns with a sequel five years later that both critics and fans enjoy. Only time will tell, but glad they haven’t let this series die and instead let it live up to its namesake. Also, small correction to your article, Dead Rising 3 was released on PC and so does not just live on Xbox One.

GC: We said Xbox One was the only console version.

Unnecessary upgrade
I guess there must be something in the Metal Gear Solid 3 rumours given how much is going around… seems a little strange to me, why remake the game out of the older 3 Solid games that by far still holds up as the best? In fact, I played through the HD remaster on the PS Vita just a few years ago and it still plays a great game today, with the Subsistence edition tweaks to the camera and controls.

It did get me thinking though, about how good that late PlayStation 2 period was. Sony’s machine was far behind the original Xbox and GameCube in terms of power… but clever development put out exclusive (for the time) titles like Metal Gear Solid 3, Ōkami, God Of War 2, Final Fantasy 12, Shadow Of The Colossus, Devil May Cry 3, Persona 4, Soulcalibur 3, and Sly Racoon 3. Not to mention smart ports like Resident Evil 4 and multiformat titles like TimeSplitters 3 and Burnout Revenge. I have HD re-releases of a number of those and they still all play well today, with just a resolution upscaling. We don’t need expensive remakes of everything.

That console gaming is split into generations does frustrate here, gating off titles on old machines even if you have the discs (hello Jet Set Radio Future) but publishers’ reluctance to throw older titles over the wall on modern hardware baffles. I get modern architecture is different and would need specialist attention, and there may be licensing issues around music (hello Jet Set Radio Future) and other branding, but really, wouldn’t it be worthwhile for say… EA to put Black digitally on modern machines? There would have been potential there on Switch with its portable play at least.

System seller
60 million people having played Mario Kart 8 is quite the number. Crazy to think it’s basically in the same position as Grand Theft Auto 5 where it’s been a hit two generations in a row and could easily just be ported and spruced up a bit for the Switch 2.

I remember a recent Reader’s Feature suggesting that Mario Kart 9 will be a launch title for the new console and I can totally see that. If not available at launch it will definitely be in the first year. And if not that then Mario Kart 8 Ultra Deluxe will be a thing. However they do it, Nintendo will know they need Mario Kart on new hardware ASAP.

Flip a coin
I’m sure this has been a Hot Topic in the past, but what are GC and its readers’ expectations of a Switch 2, both in terms of hardware and in how well they think it’ll do relative to the runaway success of the Switch? Hardcore gamers would probably be delighted with just a higher specification Switch without any additional hook, but I think Nintendo’s most successful consoles transcend gaming to become the must-have toy or gadget. No one’s mum or dad whips out a PlayStation 4 at family parties, and your auntie didn’t buy an Xbox to play Halo but she probably had a DS to play Brain Training.

The Switch definitely did this, with the massive marketing campaign (‘let’s play our Switch outside at this family barbecue!’) drawing in more casual gamers, and the excellent first and third party support cementing its place with hardcore gamers. However, I have my doubts that the Switch 2 will be able to repeat the same feat without an exciting new gimmick to draw those casual gamers back in. I know Nintendo have hinted that there will be hardware innovation, but will they go with something too weird and alienate the hardcore gamers?

Obviously, this is pure speculation at this point, but I find it interesting as Nintendo generally never play it safe and I think the percentage of the Switch audience that are desperate for a higher spec refresh is probably smaller than you’d think (being in our wee bubble where everyone obsesses over every aspect of gaming). Sounds like we won’t have too much longer to wait in any case.

GC: Normal logic suggests it’ll be functionally similar to the current Switch, only with power somewhere around the level of a PlayStation 4. Nintendo logic suggests it’ll be something completely different and it’ll be a coin toss as to whether it’s the biggest thing ever or an instant flop.

Inbox also-rans
Just wondering if you could tell us the date and time of the Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom review embargo?

GC: No we can’t, stop trying to get us sued!

No Switch 2 till next year is one thing but what’s coming out this year? If they don’t have enough to show in June how is Nintendo suddenly going to have things to show off in August, at Gamescom?

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Kyrt, who asks what’s your favourite video game music track?

Rather than an entire soundtrack what individual piece of music is your favourite from a video game? How much is your enjoyment due to the music’s inherent quality and how much because of how it’s used in the game? Did you enjoy it from the first moment or did it take a while to grow on you?

If you don’t know its name, or it’s not just the theme tune, try to describe where it comes in the game. If you do know the name, does that mean you’ve bought the soundtrack or listened to it outside of the game?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Switch 2 summer announcement theory, Metal Gear Solid 3 PS5, and Dead Rising 5 apathy

MORE : Games Inbox: 90s gaming versus now, sympathy for Xbox, and Advance Wars 1+2 love

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic: Do you buy games on day one?

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