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Hogs Of War Lardcore remaster interview – bringing home the bacon-Michael Beckwith-Entertainment – Metro

More than a decade after a cancelled sequel, the original Hogs Of War vows to return with a full remaster for PlayStation consoles.

Hogs Of War Lardcore remaster interview – bringing home the bacon-Michael Beckwith-Entertainment – Metro

Hogs Of Ward Lardcore – war never changes (pic: Urbanscan)

More than a decade after a cancelled sequel, the original Hogs Of War vows to return with a full remaster for PlayStation consoles.

If we were to ask you to name a turn-based tactics game made by a British developer, all about cartoon animals blowing each other up across a variety of maps, you’d probably go with almost any entry from Team17’s Worms series, barring its recent battle royale spin-off Worms Rumble.

If you’re a Brit who grew up with a PlayStation 1, though, you may instead pick Hogs Of War, from the long defunct Gremlin Interactive – known in their final days merely as Infogrames Sheffield House. While the Worms series already had three games to its name by the year 2000, Hogs Of War aimed to replicate the formula but in a 3D environment; something Worms wouldn’t pull off until 2003.

Aside from swapping out worms for bipedal talking pigs, Hogs Of War helped differentiate itself by being less cartoony. Its World War 1 inspirations lead to a game that at first glance seemed grittier and more serious, with the titular hogs dressed up like actual soldiers and wielding real-world weapons. There were no holy hand grenades or flying sheep, but militaristic shotguns, rocket launchers, and knives.

Grim and gritty are not appropriate adjectives for Hogs Of War though. Each of its playable teams – each one standing in for a different real-world country – were comprised of over-the-top stereotypes with equally ridiculous voices that made comical one-liners even as they died; their bodies vanishing in a small explosion and leaving behind just their smoking shoes. Some of those voices were provided by the late great comedy legend Rik Mayall, who hammed things up as the war loving sergeant seen in the game’s opening cut scene.

While it cultivated a dedicated fan base, Hogs Of War never reached the same level of success as Worms, as evidenced by the fact that it only saw one game. Apparently, it was successful across Europe but floundered in the US, due to its very British humour, and while a sequel was announced in 2008, it was quietly cancelled. No doubt partially due to publisher Infogrames’ financial issues at the time.

You’d think that would be the story’s end but, as it turns out, Hogs Of War has managed to stay thriving all these years later thanks to a diehard community that’s kept it alive with mods and a small, but fresh competitive scene.

Kickstarter campaigns for a Hogs Of War card game in 2019, and tabletop game in 2020, also proved more than successful; both of which involved Ian Stewart, co-founder of the original development studio. Hogs Of War may not be as widely known as something like Worms, but it hasn’t faded into complete obscurity either. It’s cultivated and maintained an extremely passionate and sizable fanbase, which is why, over 20 years later, there’s a bona fide remaster of the original game in the works.

A small team, appropriately based in Sheffield, is developing what it calls Hogs Of War Lardcore, which aims to be something of a new start for the franchise; one that will ideally pave the way for a proper sequel.

We recently got to speak with designer and community manager Owen Mason-Burns, someone who lives and breathes Hogs Of War and has spent the last several years bringing fans of the game under one roof, for them to share their love and appreciation for it.

Through him, we learned how the remaster came to be, why it’s actually not as similar to Worms as you’d think, and how even if its crowdfunding efforts fail, Hogs Of War Lardcore will launch regardless.

Hogs Of War Lardcore – early footage shows a far cartoonier presentation but expect the final game’s visuals be more akin to the original (pic: Urbanscan)

GC: Would you mind introducing yourself and explaining how you got into game development?

OMB: My name is Owen Mason-Burns. I am a game designer on the Hogs Of War Lardcore project. And in terms of game development itself, I originally started at Sega down in Cardiff. I was hired during university. I started out in R&D and on the QA team. So, I worked there for six years. Took the QA lead role on a few projects.

GC:  Where are you based now?

OMB: So, at the moment, we are under the umbrella of a company called Urbanscan, which is owned by Ian Stewart, who was the previous CEO of Gremlin Interactive back in the day. They made the original Hogs before they were taken over by Infogrames and that whole fiasco. At the moment, our team, there’s six of us in total.

GC: That is a small team. So, what was the instigating reason behind remastering Hogs Of War?

OMB: So, Hogs Of War Lardcore started off as a master’s thesis that was being done by one of our current programmers, Luke Melville at Sheffield Hallam University. His teaching was under the study of Jacob Habgood, who was the former lead programmer of the original Hogs Of War.

So, he was allowed to use the original source code and such within his teaching That inspired Luke to start his thesis, which was called Hogs Of War: A Case Study for Remastering Classic PlayStation Games. And that basically encompassed taking the original code and getting it running on newer hardware.

So, he was trying to implement it onto PS4. They did it successfully. And then, that kind of made them think, well, why don’t we try and get the ball rolling with an official project? So, they approached Ian Stewart, who currently holds the rights to Hogs, with the idea and yeah, it just sort of snowballed from there.

GC: This is clearly something that’s been in the works for I’m guessing a few years now.

OMB: Yeah. It originally started back in 2018, 2019, and then, of course with the pandemic in the middle of that, it really slowed down progress.

GC: I can absolutely imagine.

OMB: Yeah. Originally, the remaster was called Hogs Of War Reheated. And like I said before, I was brought on in an official capacity. I was making video content on YouTube completely about Hogs. So, I’ve been doing YouTube now for 10+ years and I was kind of at a crossroads with my channel. I was originally making Team Fortress 2 content, and then I deleted that and I started again fresh.

Hogs has always been there for me as my favourite game of all time, but I never really considered it too much for primary content. But at that moment I was like, well, I looked at YouTube and I looked at all the Hogs content that was there, and when you search for Hogs, it’s primarily just people showing gameplay. No one’s making commentaries, no one’s talking about the game, no one’s talking about it in in-depth detail.

So, I was like, ‘All right. I’ll do that’. And from there, since 2018 onwards, I’ve been making constant Hogs content, getting the community involved, building a community. If you want me to list off some numbers, the kind of main central hub is the Hogs Of War community on Discord that has almost 2,000 members. We’ve got our subreddit, which is almost at 700. And I’ve recently launched the Hogs Of War Lardcore socials as well.

GC: That’s really cool that you managed to find and cultivate a niche, because Hogs Of War is not exactly a household name.

OMB: Yeah.

Hogs Of War Lardcore – expect a lot of pig puns (pic: Urbanscan)

GC: What are your goals for the remaster?

OMB: Our plan currently, seeing as we are such a small team, is we’re building towards a Kickstarter campaign. We don’t have dates at the moment, because right now, we’re getting all the artwork sorted and trying to ensure that all the stretch goals and rewards and stuff, making sure all of those are sorted, so we have absolutely everything laid out on paper. The Kickstarter is primarily for the larger portions of the project that would require a bit more financial input.

So, with the Kickstarter, everyone really wants online networking for multiplayer. They want additional ports to PC, possibly Xbox. We want to release on PS4 and PS5 so, obviously, PC is kind of the next best one after that. And then, if you want to look even further into that, there’s customisation, maybe further DLC down the line, the release of a map editor… We have a whole bunch of ideas, it’s a lot to unpack.

GC: Those are some very lofty goals.

OMB: Yeah.

GC: I imagine then you are very confident that the Kickstarter will succeed. It does seem like the Hogs Of War community will come out in full force to back this Kickstarter.

OMB: Well, that’s kind of what I’m liking within our team, is that we have one half that are very optimistic like me, and then, we have the other side that are kind of pessimistic, but we then have a plan in place if the Kickstarter somehow flops. The one thing we can confirm is that, regardless of what happens with the Kickstarter, Hogs Of War Lardcore will be released one way or another.

GC: So, there will be a game?

OMB: Yeah. We do have the financial backing behind us to release the most basic release of the game, I suppose, if we don’t get that additional funding from the Kickstarter. But of course, the majority of fans are going to want the big stuff.

And the main thing, of course, is that with you and me talking right now, your mind is primarily thinking about the British audience, but the massive draw that a lot of people forget is how popular Hogs was in Europe, overseas.

So, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Russia were the big five. And I think it was a few months ago, I did an interview with a German outlet and they released a video on YouTube, which was basically just the interview read out loud with video coverage, and that got 60,000 views. So, the numbers are definitely there, it’s just trying to draw in that crowd, and hopefully, the Kickstarter can do that.

GC: I must imagine that there are some fans of the original Hogs Of War that might not even be aware of the wider community. So, you want to try and let those people know, ‘Hey, do you remember Hogs Of War from the 90s? It’s coming back.’

OMB: Yeah. I mean, for the past five years, I’ve basically been kicking and screaming, being like, ‘Hey, everybody, we’re over here. We’re doing stuff. We’re alive’. Like before I was even on the project, I just wanted to get the word out there that we have a community.

There’s a massive speed running community. We’ve developed our own competitive play. We’ve got competitive leagues that have incorporated a lot of new players that haven’t played it before. So, we are doing our own things. Again, seeing those pockets of activity and just trying to get people involved as much as possible, it’s been quite surprising being kind of in the background of that.

GC: I was going to ask if it was at all difficult to get the rights. But clearly, it wasn’t if Ian Stewart was so willing to hand them over.

OMB: I think that was maybe one of the first things I asked him regarding, just sort of what was the process like. I think his response was fairly simple, just like, yeah, I got them back. Because he also acquired a few other Gremlin IPs as well.

We do have a few others, kind of waiting-in-the-wings depending on how Hogs goes and how the Kickstarter works out, but I guess we’ll save that conversation for another day.

GC: So, aside from Ian Stewart, are any of the staff who worked on the original game involved?

OMB: For our own team, we’re entirely new. But at the same time, we’re still connected to the previous dev team. There’s this big connection at Sheffield Hallam University with Sumo Digital here in Sheffield. And a lot of the former Hogs dev team work at Sheffield or elsewhere, and they’re still very much in touch with Ian and with the uni.

Hogs Of War Lardcore – for as silly as the game is, Hogs Of War’s choice of weaponry is surprisingly grounded (pic: Urbanscan)

GC: Let’s move on to the game itself now. Because you’ve talked about your goals for the remaster, but I’m curious, is it just going to be a complete graphical update? Is it going to be the exact same game, but the graphics have been modernised for new systems? Or are you intending to actually tweak or change certain aspects of the gameplay?

OMB: So, if you were to play Lardcore right now, it would feel exactly as the original, down to the animations, down to the AI – how they are, the decisions they make. And then, the upgrade to that is that we have a new game engine that will allow us to use PBR (physically-based rendering).

And I guess to go even further than that… it’s incorporating portions of the old code specifically for the gameplay, so that it feels like the original did, and it certainly does.

But in terms of other stuff, the maps, of course, I don’t know if you’ve played through all of them in the original, but a lot of them were very empty and very barren. So, being able to fill up that space, and kind of put our own flavour onto the individual maps, because, especially in the single-player campaign, the story based around the islands of Saustralia, they all kind of contain their own wide variety of terrains and environments.

I guess, yeah, it would be a graphical upgrade, but also, taking the extra space within those maps and trying to use that to either enhance the narrative of the individual mission or map that you’re playing, or just the overall story as a whole, because it has those Hogs Of War themes, which is the main thing that we’re holding onto and don’t want to veer away from. And I’m trying to ensure that the team doesn’t do that because I’m… I guess a purist when it comes to the themes of Hogs and what that brings.

And of course, the pigs themselves. So, at the moment, they are very cutesy, very squishy, which is not really where we want them to be. And the intention is for each pig/class – because there are four base classes – we all want them to have their own distinct style.

We do want there to be extra cosmetics, but we want to keep that within the realm of the game’s theme. If we do branch away from it, it might be fun, but we don’t want to go too crazy with that sort of thing. And as you mentioned with gameplay improvements, I mean, there’ll be the standardised bug fixes.

GC: It definitely sounds like there’s a lot of work that needs to be done on this then.

OMB: It’s quite a bit.

GC: It might be too early for you to answer this, but are you considering adding accessibility options for disabled players?

OMB: Yes. Yes, we are. We’re always thinking about the existing fan base, but we are also primarily thinking about new players as well. There are a lot of elements in the game that could do with a modern update. So, the movement system… Not everybody likes tank controls. The aiming system, for quite a few weapons, can actually be very confusing.

If the financial aid comes in, then, a new movement system and new aiming system is up there. And of course, as you mentioned, for disabled players and colour-blind players as well, because we do have quite a few already in the community that have had issues with the original not having any sort of additional options for that.

GC: Are there plans as well to maybe add a more robust tutorial or something, just to try and ease in newcomers who might not be as familiar with a game like Hogs Of War?

OMB: I think we have some additional ideas alongside the original tutorial. Because the original tutorial was actually decent in itself. You had Rik Mayall yelling at you throughout the entire tutorial. But it covers the basics of shooting, of grenades, of TNT, of buildings…

GC: I’m actually really glad you brought up Rik Mayall, because he is the one thing that I do remember so vividly about the original Hogs of War. My friend and I used to play it a lot when we were kids. But we never really had proper matches. We usually just took it in turns to kill each other’s pigs, just so we could hear the death quotes.

OMB: Oh, yeah.

GC: Because they were like our favourite part and we always found them so funny. But obviously, Rik Mayall is sadly no longer with us. Do you intend to reuse the audio from the original game, or are you going to re-record new dialogue?

OMB: All of the original voice lines will be used, Mayall is a massive part of the game, and somewhere in Lardcore, we want to have some kind of tribute to him, whether that be a statue somewhere or something.

But the main thing with the voice acting is that, as a British audience, we remember Rik and he was a massive part of it, but we also have Marc Silk who is still with us, and he did the other half of the voices that a lot of people kind of forget about. Marc actually did more of the voice lines than Rik did. But Rik, at that point in his career, was flying high. Everyone knew from Blackadder his voice, it’s irreplaceable essentially.

GC: I actually didn’t know that there was a second voice actor until I was doing some research ahead of this. Do you hope to maybe bring Marc Silk in to record new stuff at all?

OMB: I actually emailed him the other day, asking if he’d be free for an interview on my channel. Just something casual, just to get his story behind Hogs. Because like I said, at that point in time, Rik was really established in his career, but Marc had only just started. I think it was 1995 that Marc started his voice acting career.

So, during development, he’d only been in voice acting for four years or so. I really want to be able to chat to him about that, just see what was going on with him at that point in time. In terms of Lardcore, it would be great, especially for re-recording, to get him involved.

Mayall’s work on Blackadder and Bottom made his voice instantly recognisable to British players (pic: Mick Hutson/Redferns)

GC: Is there any sort of temptation or any considerations being thrown around to incorporate certain aspects of modern multiplayer games like seasonal content, battle passes, and microtransactions for cosmetics and stuff?

OMB: It’s essentially going to be a case of seeing how we do with the Kickstarter. When the Kickstarter is done, we will then have a much better roadmap and timeline of how much time we have, how much financially is achievable.

I would like to release additional DLC, but it’s dependent on too many other factors. And of course, there are other gameplay ideas that don’t necessarily fit into a remaster and would make more sense to be in a sequel. But we don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves.

GC: I was going to ask about further plans, but obviously, it’s still far too early to commit to anything.

OMB: Yeah. I mean, if the Kickstarter goes above and beyond, like way, way above, then, that essentially locks in the ability for us to make a sequel. But we want to remain grounded in what is achievable, and we want to focus on the remaster at the moment.

GC: I won’t ask, then, when you expect the game to come out. Because I imagine a release date isn’t even being talked about.

OMB: Not currently, but I can say for the Kickstarter, we want it to be at the latter half of this year. We’re just finalising that. Because at the end of the day, we only have one shot at this, in a sense, for it to be successful. So, to have all of those Ts crossed and Is dotted is going to be big.

GC: That’s sooner than I thought. I do wonder if now is the optimal time for Hogs Of War to come out because off the top of my head, I can’t think of any similar sort of games that are around nowadays. Worms, I would imagine, would be Hogs Of War’s main competition, but that hasn’t had a new mainline entry since 2016. And the last Worms game was in 2020, and that wasn’t even a traditional Worms game. That was a battle royale spin-off.

OMB: Yeah.

GC: So, do you think with the Worms series kind of in a weird state at the moment, that might actually benefit Hogs Of War?

OMB: I had to bite my tongue a little bit because I have a quarrel with Worms. I do really see the comparison because, yes, they’re in the same genre, but I-

GC: Oh, do you not think it’s like a complete one-to-one sort of thing?

OMB: No, not really. I think that’s because it hasn’t released a third person turn-based game in… Well, since 2004, 2005, or was it a bit later? With Worms 4: Mayhem. After that point, they then went back to 2D/2.5D. So, we are still sticking with the third person turn based 3D space.

In that regard, I see Worms as, yes, being in the same genre, but in a sense, completely different. And yeah, I would completely agree that this is the optimal time. This is, essentially, the greatest shot that Hogs will have in, sort of being brought back into the limelight, bringing those new players into this genre of video game and the franchise as a whole.

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GC: You must get that a lot, explaining Hogs Of War to people, and them going, ‘Oh, so it’s just like Worms?’

OMB:  I guess if you were to go to the average person and have a split-screen with Hogs on one side, Worms 3D on the other, then, yeah, you could definitely see it. But they are in just… Especially with the themes and such as well, Worms is way wackier, way more crazy and out there. And the mechanics are completely different in how they work.

The interesting thing as well is that Hogs was the first game to successfully do a turn-based 3D third person shooter in effect. It was the first game to do that on PS1. They did it before Team17 and they were absolutely furious, because before then, in the mid to late 90s, they had attempted to bring Worms to 3D but had failed and put it on the shelf for a bit.

GC: In the last few years, Hogs Of War has had a bit of a resurgence, because there was a crowdfunded card game, wasn’t there? And then, there was a crowdfunded board game spin-off. It’s not as if it’s been dormant until just a couple of years ago. It’s sort of already come back. We’re just waiting for the game now. Why do you think Hogs of War has managed to remain so popular with its community?

OMB: Yeah, they really showed that the community is there, the support is there, and the wanting is there for a new video game. The biggest point that everyone is going to make, of course, is nostalgia. I am more in tune with what the game can bring, how much content there is in the original that can be taken forward.

I guess the foundations that we’re laying already within the community as well, both through playing the original, the content that individuals are making or that we’re doing as a community… having that foundation there to then bring in new players to play Lardcore and having the right supports there with online multiplayer… Hogs has a lot to give when you break down all of the weapons, all of the classes, all of the strategies, all of the maps, there is so much there to get involved in.

There’s content for everybody. There’s a ton of things to look forward to within that content, and for us as a team, working with the community as we go along as well, keeping them involved in everything we’re doing, especially further on down the line once the game is released.

GC: Thank you very much for your time, and obviously, good luck with development and the Kickstarter.

OMB: Thank you.

Hogs Of War Lardcore – could the remaster mark the beginning of a real comeback? (pic: Urbanscan)

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