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Atlas Fallen review – easy to shrug off-Nick Gillett-Entertainment – Metro

God Of War and Journey combine in this beautiful new action role-player, which once again blurs the line between AAA and indie game.

Atlas Fallen review – easy to shrug off-Nick Gillett-Entertainment – Metro

Atlas Fallen – not more than the sum of its parts (Picture: Focus Entertainment)

God Of War and Journey combine in this beautiful new action role-player, which once again blurs the line between AAA and indie game.

There’s a familiar arc for role-playing game heroes, that insists on taking them from the very lowliest position in an invented society to becoming an all-conquering, omni-feted world hero. Rather prosaically, you achieve that either by levelling up or upgrading your armour, neither of which sounds all that heroic on the face of it but is nonetheless an unwritten law of role-playing games.

In Atlas Fallen, as tradition dictates, your hero or heroine begins the game as an Unnamed, the lowest possible caste in a land dominated by the merciless god Thelos, whose followers make life hellish for everyone but especially the downtrodden lower classes. It’s clear that a world led by Thelos is not a happy one, but at the beginning of the game there’s not much you can do about it.

As an Unnamed, you’re constantly at the beck and call of superiors, until one errand finds you in possession of a magical gauntlet, which, a little like the Arasaka data shard in Cyberpunk 2077, contains the personality of someone long dead, who then partially inhabits your consciousness for the rest of the game.

Unfortunately, unlike Johnny Silverhand – who was unsavoury but at least compellingly unhinged – Nyaal the ancient god is a bit of a bore. That’s the one personality trait you wouldn’t expect of an omnipotent being and yet despite you gaining possession of the magic PowerGlove, that they have to teach you how to use, they’re surprisingly poor company.

The reason their advice is needed, is that there are quite a few things you’ll need to learn to get the most out of your mysterious mitten, which is central to the game’s upgrade system and fast-paced combat. You start by equipping a primary and secondary weapon, the gauntlet forging them out of the sand you walk on, the whip, axe, and knuckledusters forming as you land each blow.

That’s important because every successful strike and enemy death builds your momentum bar, which gradually empowers your weapons, making them bigger and deadlier. It also makes you more susceptible to damage, in an interesting risk/reward mechanism that can become pivotal in tougher boss fights.

As well as making each blow stronger, your momentum bar gives you the option to activate different special moves as it increases. Those are based on essence stones you find or forge for yourself, which are set in the gauntlet, letting you trigger abilities as the bar fills up. You can also perform a one-off ‘shatter’ technique that uses up the whole bar in one go, for an impressively powerful finale.

You’ll find dozens of essence stones on your travels, each of which is upgradeable using plants and minerals you pluck from the game’s landscape. They combine differently with each of your gauntlet’s weapons, making for a fairly dizzying array of possibilities. It’s no wonder Nyaal won’t shut up about trying out different essence stone combinations, rather than letting you simply stick to what seems to be working.

The combat itself is inspired at some level by the Soulsborne games, with weapon swings landing heavily and deliberately. However, despite that influence, the lack of enemy variety and the abject confusion of most of its battles, with monsters attacking from all directions amidst whirlwinds of sand and special moves, renders the tactical elegance of FromSoftware’s games a distant dream.

Fights do have a nice feel to them, though, and make a virtue of mixing up ground-based wraiths with flying ones, which need lengthy aerial combos to dispatch them. These benefit from further gauntlet upgrades that give you extended air dashes, and also the ability to unearth buried treasure, and activate various arcane structures in the world, offering a hint of Metroidvania to go with the other inspirations.

Surprisingly there’s also drop-in co-op that you can activate at any time. It’s an odd mechanic in games like this, which feel resolutely single-player, but is welcome, even if it’s a shame it’s online-only, requiring both you and a friend to have copies of the game. For a niche title like this one, it limits your chances of actually using the feature.

Whether exploring solo or à deux, you’ll find fast travel points in the form of magical anvils that also recharge your health, give access to upgrade menus, and trigger yet more sermons from Nyaal. Much of your non-fast travel traversal time is spent sand surfing, which is a useful way of covering ground quickly – something you’ll be doing a lot of, given the game’s terrible over-reliance on fetch quests.

It also exposes you to the vicissitudes of navigating a world that only pretends to be open – it’s really a series of much smaller areas linked by single chokepoints. While that’s most evident in the introductory patch of desert it continues to make navigation an unnecessary chore right to the end, forcing you to find obscure routes up and around its locales simply to get yourself from one place to another.

It’s a process made additionally complex by the fact that the entire word of Atlas Fallen is built around steep uphill and downhill inclines, clearly designed to make its maps feel bigger and more precipitous, but in reality making it unusually hard to see where you’re going. It makes some its buildings feel like baddies’ hideouts in Batman’s campy 1960s incarnation, with everything tilted at weird, counter-intuitive angles.

Atlas Fallen – two-player co-op does help (Picture: Focus Entertainment)

Then there’s the voice acting. Role-playing games are often dialogue heavy and this is no exception, which makes it particularly strange that the voices are so poorly recorded. They soundly oddly quiet and muffled, while the game’s heroine is distractingly booming, as though she was recorded through a kazoo.

The script doesn’t help, with a tenor presumably meant to sound like real conversation by inserting ellipses into absolutely everything. ‘Wha- What? How did you…? Who are you?’, or even better, ‘May Thelos… well… you know.’ It’s baffling that it got through the proof-reading stage, let alone translation and eventual recording without anyone being pulled aside and gently fired.

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There are also numerous glitches. Along with several crashes that forced the game to restart, there are frequent moments in boss fights where your viewpoint suddenly locks itself facing upwards, getting you killed through no fault of your own, and times when a group of enemies suddenly just vanishes mid-fight. That last one’s okay when it happens with a small gaggle of cannon fodder, but when it’s a boss guarding a powerful warded relic that suddenly disappears and resets itself three times in a battle, it’s a lot less amusing.

It’s a pity, because Atlas Fallen really just wants you to have a good time dicing monsters with its increasingly potent magical arsenal, rather than getting bogged down in a sea of jank and inadvertently infuriating navigation. With a bit more polish, a less distracting script, and a new microphone for its recording studio, this could have been a contender. As it is, its 20-ish hours of exploration and combat are well intentioned but eventually undone by budgetary constraints.

Atlas Fallen review summary

In Short: A combat-heavy action RPG with fun fights and spectacular landscapes, that’s brought down by glitches, fiddly navigation, and an over-reliance on fetch quests.

Pros: Sand-surfing through its deserts looks and feels good. Your magical gauntlet is always evolving, with a constant stream of new upgrades. Combat is messy but entertaining.

Cons: Bullet sponge enemies that lack variety and tedious, repetitive missions. Frustrating navigation. Script and voice acting are unintentionally bizarre. Lots of bugs.

Score: 5/10

Formats: PlayStation 5 (reviewed), Xbox Series X/S, and PC
Price: £49.99
Publisher: Focus Entertainment
Developer: Deck13
Release Date: 10th August 2023
Age Rating: 12

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