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The PS5 and Xbox Series X are the ugliest consoles ever – Reader’s Feature-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

A reader hopes the PS5 Slim will feature a significant redesign, as he accuses this generation of consoles of being the ugliest ever.

The PS5 and Xbox Series X are the ugliest consoles ever – Reader’s Feature-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Not the prettiest couple (Picture:

A reader hopes the PS5 Slim will feature a significant redesign, as he accuses this generation of consoles of being the ugliest ever.

In previous generations the Slim model of the PlayStation has been a pretty minor thing, with a chance for a price drop (of either it or the previous model) being the main point of interest. It’s always cool to see how Sony might redesign them but that’s usually only a side benefit. This generation though it seems to be the most important reason for getting a PS5 Slim because, oh boy, the PlayStation 5 is an ugly slab of consumer electronics.

Like many, I quite liked the PlayStation 5 at first, when I saw it only in pictures. It was something different to just another black box and I liked the colour scheme. Then I realised how big it was and suddenly it didn’t seem quite such a good idea. I ended up getting one anyway and things actually got worse when I discovered that to lay it horizontally you have to put it on that rickety stand that makes the whole thing wobble like a nodding dog if you so much as touch the actual console.

Nothing about the design makes any sense to me, especially as the size is apparently due to it having a pair of massive fans. I’m not sure why this is necessary though as the Xbox Series X, which is actually more powerful, doesn’t need anything like that. Unfortunately though it’s just as ugly, in its own special way.

It’s not actually the PS5 Slim that made me first want to write in about this, it was because I’d gone round to my sister’s and for some reason her kid had his PlayStation 5 out on the table in his bedroom and I realised just how enormous and unwieldy it was. It might look big sat under the TV but when you see it out on its own it just seems stupidly big.

Then I happened to be round a mate’s house, who has an Xbox Series X, and he has it standing vertically in the corner. Inspired by my earlier PlayStation 5 watching I asked him to turn it on its side and put it under the TV, in the sort of set-up I would have at home if I had one. And what do you know? It’s ugly as sin as well!

It’s not as bad as the PlayStation 5, I’ll grant you, but we brought it out and put it on the table and it really is an awkwardly shaped lump of plastic, that rather than looking like a fridge just looks like a slab of rock, with absolutely no attempt to make it look pleasing to the eye.

Truly, this is the ugliest generation of consoles ever. Although, on its own I don’t think the PlayStation 5 quite beats the supreme repulsiveness of the American SNES (or the Atari Jaguar toilet seat design when connected to its CD player, but no one remembers that).

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At least the Mega Drive and European/Japanese SNES looked nice, so the entire generation wasn’t a disaster. If you count the Switch as last gen then this one not only fell out of the ugly tree but someone cut down the tree, made a baseball bat out of it and smashed 10 shades of grossness into both consoles.

Normally I’d say it doesn’t matter but they’re both so big it’s a real problem. I just hope the PS5 Slim is back to being a black box again. It might be boring but at least you can keep your dinner down when seeing it in the flesh.

By reader Pippin

The American SNES is the Elephant Man of video game consoles (Picture: Nintendo)

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