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Games Inbox: Naming Nintendo’s next console, Baldur’s Gate 3 on PS5, and Starfield loading screens-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Tuesday letters page is worried about the sudden spate of video game redundancies, as one reader thinks EA Sports FC 24 has had a good launch.

Games Inbox: Naming Nintendo’s next console, Baldur’s Gate 3 on PS5, and Starfield loading screens-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

What would you call the Switch 2? (Picture: Salvo Lo Cascio and Riccardo Cambò Breccia)

The Tuesday letters page is worried about the sudden spate of video game redundancies, as one reader thinks EA Sports FC 24 has had a good launch.

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Name games
So, while most people are more interested about when the Switch 2 is going to be announced, the other big issue for me is what is it going to be called? Switch 2 is obvious but that alone seems like a reason why it won’t be that. Logical and obvious and two of the things that Nintendo hates the most, as we all know.

But if it’s not the Switch 2, what will it be? Everyone expects it to look like the current Switch but be more powerful but what if it has another gimmick as well? That’s a whole different discussion but assuming it is at least roughly similar surely they wouldn’t go with Nintendo Shift or something that meant basically the same thing?

I don’t think so, which I think makes the two most likely choices the Super Nintendo Switch or the Nintendo Switch Advance. Both are terms they’ve successfully used before, and I think make it fairly clear this is a brand new console. After the whole Wii U debacle though will they worry it’s still not as clear as it could be? Could Nintendo still end up just calling it Switch 2, even though I suspect they don’t really want to?

Who knows, but Nintendo Switch Advance is going to be my guess. The only problem is the initials are NSA, which is some kind of FBI style organisation in the US. So… maybe it will be Switch 2 after all?

Made for PC
Is it me or has Baldur’s Gate 3 on PlayStation 5 basically been a flop? I haven’t heard any of my friends talk about it and it doesn’t seem to have appeared in the top 10 or anything. I know console sales are harder to track than PC, but it seems to have come and gone without any notice. Which is weird for one of the top two reviewed games of the year.

I’ve been enjoying but it is very… dense. This is not a pick up and play game and it’s obvious that the whole thing was built for PC. Not that it doesn’t work well on PlayStation 5, with the controls and everything, but it just doesn’t feel like a game anyone would design for a console.

That’s not a criticism but I think it’s obvious this is not going to be Sony’s Starfield killer or anything like that, it’s just not a mass market product for most console gamers. In my opinion.

GC: There was no physical edition of the game so it’s almost impossible to tell how well it sold on PlayStation 5, except when the monthly charts are released later this month. It is currently at number eight in the Top 10 games in your country section of the PlayStation Store though.

Sales fatigue
It really is crazy how Marvel games are not only not a licence to print money they’re basically whatever the video game equivalent of box office poison is. Guardians Of The Galaxy and Midnight Suns were top notch games but the irony is they probably would’ve sold better if they weren’t associated with Marvel.

Although the thing that gets me is how there’s still so few superhero games out there. Not many Marvel ones and hardly any DC ones. Superhero fatigue is going to be in full effect before anything else comes out and then when they flop we’ll get even less than usual.

I am surprised at EA going in with the Iron Man and Black Panther games though. I bet whoever’s idea that was is having second thoughts. I just hope EA doesn’t decide single-player games are too much of a risk again after neither does as well as they hope.

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Be careful what you wish for
I don’t know if I like the idea of Nintendo Switch 2 getting straight ports of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S games unless it’s going to be nearly indistinguishable from them. I assume it won’t be, because there’s no way it’d be that powerful, which is going to mean a lot of compromised ports.

The problem with that is that people are going to end up complaining about the power of the Switch 2 far more than if it hadn’t had these games, which I’m not sure is what Nintendo wants. I don’t see how they can really stop it, but ironically good third party support may end up being worse for the Switch 2’s reputation than if it didn’t have them.

New faces
I find it hard to care one way or the other about Jim Ryan leaving at the head of PlayStation, considering I’ve barely heard him talk or host an event since he took over. I hope whoever takes over is a personality we can actually get to know and understand.

Like him or loathe him, at least Phil Spencer is doing the work in terms of appearing on camera and being the face of the company, not just the guy behind the curtain, pulling the string.

Sales may be good but in all other respects Sony has not been in a good place the last year and I do wonder if Ryan was encouraged to leave. Nothing personal, but I can’t wait for him to leave.

Capitalism, ho!
That’s pretty disturbing what’s going on with all the job cuts in gaming at the moment, I didn’t realise it was so many, all at once. It doesn’t seem to me that anything has happened recently that would explain it all, but, as you point out, there are a few commonalities: live service games and companies that have gone on massive spending sprees. Possibly also indie publishers too, but that’s less clear.

I don’t think anyone here is going to be upset at the death of live service games but it’s still people’s jobs and that’s not good. Especially as it’s the grunts that will be let go of first, rather than whoever’s idea it was to make a hundred identikit games in the first place.

I think we could all tell that Embracer was going to be a disaster from the start – a company that nobody’s ever heard of suddenly buying its way into the games industry but buying mostly second string companies and franchises.

Microsoft’s purchases have been a lot more sensible but there’s still a good chance a couple of their studios are going to end up being shut down for whatever reason. And there’s no way the Activision Blizzard buyout doesn’t end up with a ton of redundancies. That’s just the way big business rolls: no common sense and no accountability.

Good result
If I were EA I’d be happy with 70% of FIFA 23 players buying EA Sports FC 24 in the first week. That seems a pretty good turnout to me. I’m sure word will get out to more casual gamers that FIFA has just changed it name and it’ll have even longer legs than usual, and then it’ll probably be back to normal next year.

Does it deserve to? I’d say so. I’ve been playing it over the weekend and while it’s not a revolution there are clear improvements and they’ve made a real effort and not taken things for granted.
Cole Slaw

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Now loading
It’s a warm sunny day in New Atlantis. I leave my apartment and step into the elevator to go down to the lobby – load screen. I catch the NAT to the spaceport – load screen. I board my ship – load screen, and then lift off – load screen with cut scene. I decide to go to the Volii system for no real reason but, yes – load screen. I’m informed about a contraband scan for the millionth time before then landing on Neon – load screen.

I’m in Neon with Andreja in tow, she’s such a minx, tells me not to get distracted while here, she has no idea that I’m texting Sarah behind her back. Some security dude tells me that the DJ in the Astral Lounge needs help with something so I head there, I enter – load screen. I then take the lift to the VIP area – load screen.

Notice something? That’s right, can’t do anything without load screens, it completely ruins the immersion. If you play for 100 hours that’s a mega ton of load screens and contraband scans, makes me want to bury my ship into an asteroid.

Let’s change to talking about various planets, on a frozen one I got hypothermia yet went around like nothing was wrong, it didn’t even affect my health. You can run around even if you have broken bones. Andreja said she was chilly, so I set her alight for a moment, I’m nothing if not considerate.

I ran around a bit more with my broken bones and hypothermia when I accidentally stepped on something gassy, now I also have a lung problem. None of it is causing me any alarm apparently, so I continue.

I’m loving this game but it definitely has immersion breaking issues and quite frankly Andreja has had enough of it. She’s fed up of having a husband who can go faster than her even with broken legs.

Inbox also-rans
Many thanks to Dazzer Zero for his letter concerning white-maned lynels in Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom. There was indeed one north of Ploymus Mountain. My barbarian armour is now maxed out.
Chevy Malibu (PSN ID)

I realise the answer to this is that it’s just completely random and everyone is equally baffled but what have Pokémon got to do with Vince van Gogh? I’m no expert but I don’t think he even painted animals, did he? Not famously anyway.

This week’s Hot Topic
Believe it or not but the year is now three-quarters done and approaching the busiest period for new game releases. So, for this weekend’s Inbox we want to know what you think of 2023 so far and what you’re looking forward to from the rest of it.

Do include your favourite games that were released new this year, as well as whatever’s launching this autumn that you’re interested in (you can find our release schedule here, if that helps).

But also feel free to discuss the major news events of the year, from Microsoft’s purchase of Activision Blizzard to the departure of PlayStation boss Jim Ryan.

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Starfield as the biggest disappointment of 2023, the end of Fortnite, and Tomb Raider controls

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic: Retro video games that are unplayable today

MORE : Games Inbox: Fortnite in decline, the legacy of Jim Ryan, and Super Mario Bros. Wonder anticipation

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