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Games Inbox: Zelda live action movie worries, the wait for Mass Effect 4, and Nintendo Switch 2 buttons-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Wednesday letters page thinks Spider-Man 2 is the perfect length for its story, as one reader is too scared to play Super Mario Galaxy again.

Games Inbox: Zelda live action movie worries, the wait for Mass Effect 4, and Nintendo Switch 2 buttons-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Is Nintendo making a big mistake? (Picture: AP Photo/Anita Baca)

The Wednesday letters page thinks Spider-Man 2 is the perfect length for its story, as one reader is too scared to play Super Mario Galaxy again.

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The worries of Zelda
Just seen the news about the Zelda movie and yeah… I dunno. There is so much that could wrong with that I’d be nervous of ever trying. Everyone loves the games but in terms of turning it a movie, you’ve got a 40-year-old series that has very little plot and almost no characterisation for its three leads – one of which never talks.

The optimistic take is that that leaves plenty to work with, more so than most video game adaptations, and that the movie can fill in things that the games never really touched. The pessimistic take is that they’ll have to change so much the end result is going to be unrecognisable. Especially once they start adding in a romance plot between Zelda and Link and give a Ganonodorf a comedy sidekick – and you know they will.

And, I mean, the director of Maze Runners? Was Uwe Boll not available? The guy seems young, so maybe this will be his big break, but I’d be much happier with an experienced director, especially given how many special effects are going to be in this.

I’d love to see a good Zelda movie but what I don’t want to see is Nintendo going bankrupt making it, so… I guess we’ll see.

Two decades later
It’s crazy to think it’s been so long since the first Mass Effect. Like you said, it’ll be 20 years old in four years, and there’s no way the new game will be out by then. I don’t know what EA has done to BioWare over the years, I assume all the problems started with making them do Anthem, but for a while there they were one of the most beloved developers in the world.

Now I’m not sure if most people even remember their name. I hope they can make a good comeback with Dragon Age but there’s so little to judge them by now. I guess you could say Mass Effect Legendary Edition was good but it was only a remaster. Here’s hoping they haven’t lost their touch.

Compelling evidence
I feel I should dismissing this coloured buttons business about the Switch 2 as nonsense but I can’t actually see what else it could be, other than an alternative colour scheme for a new console. I mean, what other explanation could there be? That three completely different developers all did the same weird thing, at the same time?

I’m just happy that it confirms backwards compatibility as I was worried that Nintendo would cheap out on it. Although I guess there was that rumour that it would only work with the more expensive model, although I can’t believe even Nintendo would do that.

Obviously I don’t know if the specific rumours that the Nintendo boss is talking about are true or not but it seems pretty silly to pretend it doesn’t exist at all. Especially as a rumour like ‘it was at Gamescom’ doesn’t spoil or reveal anything. If it is out next year I would’ve been shocked if it wasn’t.

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Never go back
Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation as me? A fear of playing a much-loved game of the past, in fear of it not living to the high regard I have for the game.

I’ve been gaming for over 30 years and consider Super Mario Galaxy to be one of my favourites I’ve played of all time. Even more so as I was going through a difficult period of my life at the time. It brought so much joy to me, I’ve thought very fondly of it over the years.

I’ve recently been gifted a Switch and treated myself to Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

I’ve played Super Mario Bros. Wonder and am currently enjoying Super Mario Odyssey. Every game but Galaxy.

Maybe I will feel brave soon and play it in the hope it doesn’t ruin my amazing nostalgic view of it?
Adam_Lion23 (PSN ID)
Currently playing: Super Mario Odyssey and Uncharted 4

Ask Jeeves
The thing that gets me about live service games is that they are basically the same as MMOs and publishers should know damn well that the market never supported more than two or three big ones because people just don’t have the time. Do they think people have more time now than 20 years ago? Because unless you’ve got a butler or something I’m pretty sure that’s not the case.

The Blizzard guy talking about how much effort it takes and how demanding people are… maybe Sony and Ubisoft should listen to him, who knows through experience what he’s talking about, and stop trying to turn up late to a party that’s already winding down. Just stick to what you’re good at, it’s not like Blizzard or Epic Games know how to make single-player games.

Second time unlucky
I’d like to thank GameCentral for answering my query over whether they would be reviewing the Fashion Dreamer game. (They said no so Worst. Page. Ever.)

Since then, I’ve watched/listened to a YouTube review from a fan of the Style Boutique games and she wasn’t impressed, as it sounds like they’ve stripped out what made the Boutique games fun and added a grind-fest so I’ll save a space on my shelf for something worthy.

And that worthy space might go to the new Tintin game (Tintin Reporter: Cigars Of The Pharoah) if GameCentral reviews it well.

I enjoyed the 3DS game but have long completed it and sold it on.

So for the second and last time of the year, may I ask if GameCentral will be reviewing said game please?

Anxiously hoping.

GC: The developer has already apologised for Tintin being completely broken at launch, so that review’s not going to happen for a while.

Family strife
So, Phil Spencer says that every console is part of the Xbox community. Well, in that case, why not bring every exclusive you have to PlayStation (not Starfield)?

I mean, you said we are one big happy family, so come on then start saying Elder Scrolls 6 will be on all consoles and all future games will do the same because we are family.

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I’ve just finished the main storyline of Spider-Man 2 after 24 hours of playtime, at 80-something% overall completion and with 50% of the available trophies. I wouldn’t have wanted the game to be any longer than it was and I’m not a fan of people rushing through games before release just to complain; there are plenty of things to criticise in Spider-Man 2, but value for money isn’t one of them.

It has the best traversal system in any open world game and the new web wings only add to that, making fast travel achievable without resorting to fast travel. This system makes up for a lot of the game’s other shortcomings. The main story missions will live long in the memory for their scale and spectacle, and some of the quieter side missions are a welcome break. (A friend hated the ones I liked. We both agree the bike bits are rubbish).

There are things I’d expect to be refined in a follow-up game. The basic combat is fun, and the contextual move-sets even more so, but the enemy types don’t vary much even when the enemy faction does, and the base clearing and stealth were done better 10-15 years ago in the Batman: Arkham games. As GC have said, the whole thing is also a bit incongruous as Spider-Man isn’t really known for being a silent takedown type of guy.

I’d also like to see the side missions focus on lesser known villains (again, like Arkham) to offer a bit more Spider-Man lore. Surely someone else is up to something in New York City beside the big bad? There’s still too much busywork and padding, so if they spent some time making each side mission feel unique and worthwhile I’d be more inclined to come back for more.

All-in-all it’s an excellent, fun game with room for improvement.

Inbox also-rans
I’m sitting here with a fourth or fifth smallish snifter of The Kraken, banging my metaphorical head against a metaphorical wall after reading the article about a FromSoftware Sony exclusive that isn’t the Bloodborne sequel. That’s all I have to say.

GC: Believe us when we say we understand your pain.

I can’t tell you how sick I am of hearing about Phil Spencer lately. If I was him I’d get someone to bake him a humble pie and then eat the whole damn thing, because he is getting worse every time he opens his mouth – especially when it’s anything to do with Nintendo.

This week’s Hot Topic
With this year’s Call Of Duty due out his week, the subject for this weekend’s Inbox asks which is your favourite entry in the franchise and do you consider yourself a fan?

Call Of Duty has been one of the most popular video game series in the world for over two decades now but what do you think of it and do you feel it deserves its success?

How many of the games have you played and what do you think are the best and worst ones? How would you like to see the franchise evolve in the future and do you think it will ever see a major decline in popularity?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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