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Hollywood star ‘tattooed’ a woman with ‘cannibal ink’ tattoo on their first date-Rishma Dosani-Entertainment – Metro

‘I knew he was a bad guy.’

Hollywood star ‘tattooed’ a woman with ‘cannibal ink’ tattoo on their first date-Rishma Dosani-Entertainment – Metro

Armie Hammer reportedly ‘tattooed’ a comedian on a first date (Picture: AP)

Armie Hammer ‘tattooed’ a comedian with something he referred to as ‘cannibal ink’ on their first date, it has been claimed.

The Call Me By Your Name actor was previously accused of rape, emotional abuse and violence by multiple women in 2021.

He was also met with allegations of a fetish for cannibalism, and has denied all claims against him.

In a new podcast, Brittany Schmitt unpacked her short-lived romance with the 37-year-old which began last August and ended at the beginning of September, explaining that she ignored the ‘red flags’.

‘I briefly mentioned [in] the last episode, having a situationship with a monster, with a bad guy who gave me an STD,’ she said while appearing on This Is The Worst.

‘That was all I was going to say. I knew going into it, his reputation proceeded himself. I knew he was a bad guy, I knew he’d gotten taken down already.’

Comedian Brittany Schmitt shared her thoughts on their ‘situationship’ during a podcast (Picture: WireImage)

Co-host Brittany Furlan Lee asked about her experience with Hammer, and the comic insisted that he was ‘very open’ about the reports surrounding his private life.

‘So, this is my bad in not noticing a red flag. I’m a Taurus, I’m a bull, so I love a red flag,’ she said of their first date. ‘The first night we did hang out, he did give us tattoos.

‘They’re on my hand, they’re cute. He was just doing stick and poke. It did escalate over the time that he was staying with this guy he was sober companioning, he did order a tattoo gun. He started tattooing strangers, he called it “cannibal ink”.

‘He thought he was being funny, and I was like, “Maybe don’t lean into that.”

‘We got matching tattoos the first night. I was in a dark place, let’s be honest. I was at the end of that tour, I was not mentally strong. I’m not proud of the fact I even entered into this thing, let alone that I got mentally f**ked by him.

Armie was previously accused of rape, emotional abuse and violence by multiple women (Picture: Getty)

‘It’s a short relationship but it was a lot in a short period of time.’

Touching on their intimate time together, Schmitt recalled: ‘He does this biting thing, he will push it to the limit with biting. He will go as hard as you let him go with biting.

‘In my experience, I was consensual with everything that was going on, and [when] I told him to stop and he would stop.

‘I didn’t have the same experience as the other girls, not negating any of their experiences or taking it away, or saying it didn’t happen. I’m just saying my experience was different.’

Hammer was previously accused of fantasizing about cannibalism and rape, after a string of alleged DMs were leaked in 2021.

Brittany explained that their romance lasted a few weeks (Picture: Getty)

He was said to have made remarks to the women that included fantasies of cannibalism and wanting to ‘take a bite’ out of their body parts.

Last year, the actor – who stepped back from the spotlight after the claims broke – denied any criminal wrongdoing in a lengthy interview.

He vehemently denied all allegations of sexual abuse and rape, stating that all interactions with the women in question were consensual.

The Los Angeles County DA’s office subsequently confirmed in a statement that they would not be filing sexual assault charges against the star following a lengthy investigation. has contacted Armie Hammer’s reps for a comment.

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