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Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Readers’ Top 20 of 2023-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Readers votes for their favourite games of 2023, with Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, Resident Evil 4, and Baldur’s Gate 3 all in contention.

Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Readers’ Top 20 of 2023-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Was it your favourite? (pic: Nintendo)

Readers votes for their favourite games of 2023, with Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, Resident Evil 4, and Baldur’s Gate 3 all in contention.

It’s that time again, when we ask readers to write in with their three favourite games of the outgoing year, so we can collate the votes and creator a Readers’ Top 20. Although our Top 20 has some restrictions, such as no remasters or remakes, the readers’ version has no restrictions, other than the games must have been released new in 2023.

In the end, it was a fairly easy win for Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, which was well ahead of the rest of the pack, although that may be because Baldur’s Gate 3 has made less impact on consoles, and was only released on Xbox in December, and so less people are likely to have played it compared to the other contenders.

Readers’ Top 20 of 2023

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Resident Evil 4
Hogwarts Legacy
Baldur’s Gate 3
Metroid Prime Remastered
Final Fantasy 16
Street Fighter 6
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Diablo 4
Remnant 2
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Sea Of Stars
Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Dave The Diver
RoboCop: Rogue City
Blasphemous 2
Alan Wake 2

Easy decision
I have really enjoyed quite a few of the games released in 2023 but picking my top three has not been too difficult as there were three that particularly stood out.

3. Resident Evil 4 (PS5) – A shining example of how to remake a classic. It felt both comfortingly familiar and excitingly new at the same time.

2. The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom (Switch) – Whilst I can appreciate what others found so good about Breath Of The Wild it never really clicked for me. Not so Tears Of The Kingdom, though. Whilst I only spent a relatively modest 50 hours with it (I am not one for exploring and focused on main missions) I found it captivating and supremely enjoyable in a way I didn’t expect.

1. Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch) – Every single level feels full of magic and invention, with the Wonder Seeds mixing up the gameplay ingeniously throughout. The definition of Nintendo magic.
Pigfish2 (PSN ID/NN ID)

All-new experience
1. Resident Evil 4 – hands down my favourite game of the year, I know it’s a remake but having never played the original it was a totally new experience for me too.

2. Hogwarts Legacy – I really enjoyed this game. Wasn’t, and still don’t consider myself to be, a Harry Potter fan but it didn’t matter. The reason it gets number two though is because it helped to establish gaming in my house with my kids, who all absolutely love Hogwarts Legacy – with over 250 hours of playtime the numbers speak for themselves.

3. RoboCop: Rogue City – loved this game. Even with its flaws it was still absolutely great, with some of the most satisfying gunplay and headshots in any game ever! It’s in no way perfect, and more than a little rough around the edges, but it almost seems like it’s intended to be that way.

Notable mentions for Dead Space (similar to Resident Evil 4, my first time playing it) and Spider-Man 2.

A vintage year
1: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
After getting a Switch just so I could play it, over 175 hours of play and exploration later Nintendo have done it again and 1-upped themselves. It’s amazing, and I can see myself starting again from scratch, as I did with Breath Of The Wild previously.

2: Resident Evil 4
It’s a Re:Make again, but what a remake! Capcom took the original, improved the controls, graphics, and audio and kept the spirit of the original almost completely intact. Even the silly story keeps you hooked, and rescuing Ashley has never been more fun. And frightfully gory.

3: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
It’s revitalised my interest in 2D Mario. Every world and level is entertaining and not so difficult that it isn’t accessible for everyone. It made New Super Mario Bros. look like Old Super Mario and I’ve no idea how Nintendo will top it.

2023 appears to have been a vintage moment for great games, and I’m praying the industry doesn’t start collapsing under the weight of expectations and job losses anymore in 2024.

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Hobby of the year
I love voting for the Reader’s Top 20 each year! It really bookends the last 12 months of gaming and lets me relive some happy memories. As usual, I didn’t play every new game I wanted to. Metroid Prime Remastered, Pikmin 4, Armored Core 6, Cocoon, and Dave The Diver are all potential contenders I never got to try but the actual picks I have made are truly exceptional. It’s been a great year for gaming! So in reverse order:

3. Street Fighter 6
I’ve only been playing just over a week, but it already seems a big improvement on every aspect of the previous title, and I loved the fifth entry! The addition of the Drive Gauge works brilliantly and adds a new layer of tactics to the gameplay. The netcode is working perfectly and thankfully there’s no long waits for a match. Everything looks fantastic with wonderful animations and colours exploding everywhere. The new cast of characters are all great, with JP being my favourite so far. Really can’t wait to spend the next few years experimenting with the others!

2. Resident Evil 4
The original game was my favourite ever on release and for many years after. When I first heard about this remake, I wasn’t sure they could really recapture the magic. I don’t know what I was worried about! Capcom have nailed it again! Sure, the underlying game has aged a tiny bit (the bosses in particular are still a little clunky, I’m looking at you Salazar!) but when it’s this much fun who cares! The thought that has gone into the game both originally and as a remake is unbelievable. Every section feels handcrafted to offer something new and unexpected at every turn, even for veteran players! The variation in scenarios is unparalleled, there is never a dull moment. Not quite the best game ever anymore but when you have competition like this…

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
The best game ever! For such a long running series to one up itself so comprehensively is absolutely astounding! I could never quite decide which was better out of Breath Of The Wild and Ocarina Of Time. Tears Of The Kingdom easily beats them both. I could make my case with the Ascend mechanic alone, literally breaking through the ceiling of game design is just genius. As a middle-aged gamer this was the stuff of dreams when I was young, it is the purest example of Nintendo magic at work!

Everything in the game is just stunning; the graphics, the gameplay, the freedom, the wonderful world, and characters! The thing that really cements it in my mind though is the final fight and ending. It finally out does Ocarina’s epic finale with something even more breathtaking and meaningful.

Zelda gets a hard time for its story but I think it’s fantastic. Understated and full of heart. I was completely invested in both Link and Zelda’s journey by the end and really felt the emotional weight of what they had been through together. What an adventure!

I think 2023 has been a standout year we’ll remember for a long time. Despite all the current turmoil in the industry, the games themselves have never been better! I feel lucky to still experience such joy after over 35 years of gaming! We really do have the best hobby!
Ryan O’D

Three choices
I’ve only played three games that were released in 2023, so it’ll only be a question of where in the podium they sit, but it’s a pretty easy decision.

1. Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
I put around 80 hours into this, with it being my only game played from March until October, and I had so much fun with it. I must’ve spent around two-thirds of my time simply exploring Hyrule, only really venturing down into the Depths when I needed some bombs or muddlebuds, or a particularly inviting opening was spotted from the sky. I enjoyed collecting and watching all the memories, which really improved on the storytelling from Breath Of The Wild for me. And figuring out the shrines, despite needing to google the solutions every once in a while. Easily my game of 2023.

2. Super Mario Bros. Wonder
This was the next 2023 game I played, following Tears of the Kingdom, and it was a brilliant palette cleanser from Zelda’s open world exploits. Short, exciting levels, with such funny and imaginative wonder seed transformations that I had to replay each level to collect every wonder seed (read: experience every wonder seed transformation). The only letdown is that there aren’t more levels – DLC announcement this year, maybe? – and I’ve been beaten by the difficulty of the secret levels, where I don’t want to tarnish my memories of the game with frustration at my inability!

3. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
I’m currently still playing through this, so it really has to take bronze, but I’m enjoying what I’ve played so far. I loved the original and Miles Morales, so expect this to live up to their quality. I’m only early in the game – two or three main missions completed – but am finding it a lot tougher than its predecessors so far. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m having fairly long gaps between playing the game or the increased move/gadget set, and that you’ve got two heroes with two separate move-sets to remember, but I’m dying a lot more frequently than I expected. Maybe more frequent play sessions, or dropping down the difficulty, will help but I’m excited to see how it develops. Also, the wingsuits – now that’s a way to travel!

Nihon classics
My top three games from 2023 are, in ascending order…

Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom.
Resident Evil 4. I’m old enough to have played the original on the GameCube and Capcom have done a sterling job on updating a classic.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Impossible to play without smiling. I prefer it to Super Mario Odyssey because it’s more linear. A joy to play and took me back to the days of Super Mario World on the imported Super Famicom (I told you I was old).

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, though, is a landmark. It gives a panorama of imagination, solid physics, and so many moments of ‘hang on, if I do this, then that it should work’. It always did.
Chevy Malibu (PSN ID)
PS: Most looking forward to the Elden Ring DLC and whatever madness Nintendo have conjured with the Switch 2. I like the Japanese imagination.

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Future classic
I’ve gone for Baldur’s Gate 3 as game of the year over Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom. Mainly down to that game’s ambition when it comes to interactive storytelling. Zelda is the more polished experience and a lesson in how most open world games can push beyond just window dressing in their world designs, it deserves high praise in that regard.

However, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that Link’s newest adventure was just ‘standing on the shoulders’ of those that came before it, it’s just too iterative of the last game. The only area where I thought Nintendo successfully captured the spirit of Breath Of The Wild was in the game’s sky island setting. I also thought it faired poorly put up next to last year’s open world masterpiece, Elden Ring. I mean compare the lavish underground cities in that title to the Depths in Zelda and it’s no contest.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is far from flawless, but I think it does point to the future of video games much more than Zelda. The storytelling doesn’t always keep up with how gamers can stretch the characters and game world, the seams show in the final act, but it is probably the best game yet at doing so. There is a path here for developers to try and move away from the linear narratives and character development we see in most cinematic triple-A titles.

I’ve gone in hard on Zelda, really, to justify not giving it the Best of gong, it’s still my pick for second best. As for the rest, the only game I thought wasn’t worthy of all the praise was Super Mario Bros. Wonder… and that might be down to primarily being a single-player gamer. It might be wonderfully imaginative in its presentation, but the game is just far too short for such an old fashioned (if well executed) gameplay design. If you play with the kids I’m sure it has the legs, but I’d seen off Bowser in well under 10 hours, and had no desire to mine each of the courses for every last collectable.

1. Baldur’s Gate 3
2. The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
3. Metroid Prime Remastered

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