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James Blunt still hasn’t recovered from excruciating Glastonbury cock-up-James Blunt, Tom Stichbury and Rachael O'Connor-Entertainment – Metro

At least he can laugh about it now.

James Blunt still hasn’t recovered from excruciating Glastonbury cock-up-James Blunt, Tom Stichbury and Rachael O'Connor-Entertainment – Metro

James Blunt is still haunted by his attempt to crowdsurf at Glastonbury (Picture: Michael Clement)

James Blunt is still mortified by an infamous cock-up he made while performing at Glastonbury.

The You’re Beautiful star, 49, has sold 20 million records worldwide, and is currently celebrating the release of new track All The Love I Ever Needed – but he can’t escape the memory of a mistake he made while playing the Pyramid Stage at Worthy Farm.

Speaking to as he takes on the role of guest editing the Rush Hour Crush section of the newspaper, he recalled his Glastonbury performances as ‘the most incredible experience in the world.’

But, buzzing from the sheer elation, he decided to take things to the next level – to ‘crowd surf over 80,000 people.’

‘But when I got back to the stage I realised it was too high for me to climb onto.

‘There was a guy on the stage, I didn’t recognise him, but I started shouting at him for help. “Help me, please!”

The musician took the opportunity while playing the Pyramid Stage – but couldn’t get back up again (Picture: WireImage)

‘Then I realised he had a camera on his shoulder, and he was the BBC TV cameraman, and I was shouting “Help me!” down the barrel of the lens to the nation.’

James joked he had ‘secured my place as the least cool musician to have ever existed, or played at Glastonbury.’

It’s not deterring him however, as the musician would ‘love to play there again… or Wembley Stadium.’

James shot to fame with the record-breaking track You’re Beautiful, which is based on him and his ex bumping into each other on the tube while she was with her new boyfriend. (‘We caught each other’s eye, we lived a lifetime in that moment, but I didn’t do anything about it.’)

However, he is quick to add that the song he wrote about the encounter ‘is not a romantic song.’

‘It’s about a guy, as I say, high on drugs stalking someone else’s girlfriend and should have been arrested, probably … I’m also not a very romantic human being. I’m just a little creepy.’

It’s probably no surprise then that James is such a fan of Metro’s Rush Hour Crush – the weekly column where commuters try to track down the person who has caught their eye – that he’s offered to guest edit.

He saw a face in a crowded place and didn’t know what to do. Luckily, he knows now. (Picture: Getty / Michael Clement)

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‘I do believe in love at first sight, definitely,’ James said.

‘I think we’ve all experienced that moment as well, where we just pass by someone and catch their eye and wonder what might have been.

He joked: ‘As we all know, this kind of story is my forte, this is my bread and butter.

‘As someone who hangs out a lot on the underground pestering people. I feel qualified to at least comment.’

James Blunt’s new single All The Love That I Ever Needed is available to stream now.

The full Rush Hour Crush edition with James is available in Wednesday’s Metro newspaper.

What does James Blunt think about these Rush Hour Crush romantics?

You were stumbling off the No.75 bus heading towards Milton at 8.27am and I tried to warn you about the kebab sauce on your Kappa fleece. I hope you got to the phone box in time! You had the loveliest eyes. Maybe we can share some wine next time I see you? Man Wearing Bowler Hat from Glasgow

James: I mean, 8.27am is a peculiar time to be drunkenly stumbling out of a bus, isn’t it? I’m impressed. Although I assume that they’re probably going to the phone box to be sick. Imagine.

I’m also confused why the man writing in is drawn to this person because isn’t the standard rule for kebabs that, if you’re drunken enough to find a kebab attractive, then you’re no longer attractive to anyone else, so the only thing you’re really going to wake up to the next morning is a half-eaten kebab? But you know what, this happened in Glasgow, so I think they live by a different set of rules up there.

To the petite, dark-haired girl on the 10.08pm Castle Square Sheffield Supertram on January 31. I’m the blond older guy – you said I had lovely eyes and blew me a kiss. Wish I’d got off with you at West Street stop. Tram Traveller

JB: Do guys describe themselves as blond? It sounds weird to me. He wished he got off with her at? Well, mate, the moment’s passed. You missed it. You’re too old. She didn’t mean it anyway; it was probably someone behind you. You should have made your move when you had the chance.

This is a Metro piece that comes out week after week, of people not doing something. I even put a song out about the whole thing, about seeing someone and not doing it. Surely, we’ve got the message now: f***ing do something!

To the blondie with the Birmingham accent and a bandage on her hand at Chancery Lane Tube stop at Gray’s Inn on the morning of Feb 5: Let me fix you… Dashing Gentleman

JB: That’s, you know, some people like a wounded antelope, but we call them vultures, or hyenas! But no, it’s kind of sweet. I think the message is quite sweet. That’s the one I’m touched by most.

I hope if this couple – or any of the couples on this page, actually get together – they’ll let me know.

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