Games Inbox: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as the best Final Fantasy, Tekken 8 vs. 7, and Battlefield 2025-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro
The Thursday letters page wonders who’d want to be a video game developer, as one reader funds Broken Sword: Reforged – Collector’s Edition.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – out now (Picture: Square Enix
The Thursday letters page wonders who’d want to be a video game developer, as one reader funds Broken Sword: Reforged – Collector’s Edition.
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Final verdict
All this bad news with job layoffs is getting to the point where I’m starting to feel guilty about playing games from the publishers that are treating their staff so badly. So, it’s a great relief to know that not only can I play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth this week but that it’s from a Japanese publisher that hasn’t laid off anyone yet.
I know that’s because of their laws, and not necessarily because they’re nicer companies, but it’s the end result that matters and I am more than happy to support them if their game is as good as the reviews say it is.
I’ve seen a number of people refer to it as the best Final Fantasy ever and while I obviously don’t know if that’s true yet it’s easy to believe, given how much I enjoyed Remake. But if the third and final game is just as good surely that means that the trilogy, when viewed as a single game, is definitely in the running to be the best Final Fantasy ever? Maybe even the best video game ever?
I can’t wait to find out.
Everybody’s fault
After hearing the Tekken 8 developers telling us how gaming development is going up and up and up (as if we hadn’t heard this from everyone already) I can only have limited sympathy in this respect, as it’s the developers (maybe more accurate to say publishers) and console manufacturers who have kept pushing more and more advanced hardware and visuals at us, and there’s already talk of a PS5 Pro and even the PlayStation 6 coming.
Surely this just adds further costs to take advantage of the extra hardware of the Pro, and god only knows what that will cost to buy. I imagine by the time the PlayStation 6 rolls out we will be looking at £80-90 a game.
Part of problem has been that traditionally, whenever developers run out of ideas and publishers see game sales drop, the answer is new hardware and games with flashier visuals, instead of giving us better game experiences.
GC: We’re not sure it’s fair to solely blame the companies. If Tekken 8 looked no better than 7 (and in the process kept its budget in check) what would be the reaction from a sizeable proportion of gamers?
40 years, man and boy
I don’t blame The Last Of Us director for wanting to give up on games. Even with his success I’m sure it must be horrible at the moment, especially with all the job cuts and Sony trying to force him to do live service games.
If you have a working career of, say, 40 years how many games does that mean you can actually get made in your life, according to how long they take now? Six or seven? That’s assuming you go straight from one to the other and nothing gets cancelled, which is probably unlikely. And it doesn’t figure into the next generation taking even longer to make games. Will it be up to seven years per game by then?
I know everyone said 2024 would be even worse for layoffs and general bad news than 2023 but you read something like that and don’t really consider what it means. Now we’re seeing: a total meltdown of the entire industry, that we’ll be very lucky doesn’t cause irreparable damage.
Never mind veterans wondering when they’ll get out of the rat race, what about youngsters wanting to get into gaming? Who would read the headlines of the last few weeks and want to be a video game developer? It seems like one of the most unreliable jobs out there now, and I feel terrible for all these people who have lost their jobs just to appease ignorant investors.
Just business
There’s not much I can add to all the confusion and anger of the last few days, except to agree that what I find most confusing is why is this all happening so suddenly? Surely if games are becoming too expensive that’s something you could have slowly accounted for from the beginning, and ideally avoided?
It seems to me it’s just performative, American style business practices. Execs are trying to prove they can make the hard decisions and the horrible labour laws in the US means they can just get rid of people without a second thought.
They’ll probably try to rehire half these people once their little demonstration has been acknowledged and raised their share price up an appropriate amount. But if I were them I’d tell them to stick it and go find a proper job instead where you’re actually valued.
One more go
A Hot Topic for your consideration.
Games you’ve completed before but replaying them never gets old, subsequent playthroughs are just as good as the first time (or even better in my proposal). XCOM 2 with the War Of The Chosen DLC.
The base game was brilliant but the DLC made it even better. I’m currently on my umpteenth time playing it on PlayStation 5 and I’m damn sure it won’t be the last.
Caveat… I play on rookie level, don’t judge me. I’m a general that makes mistakes, who saves often and wishes to complete a campaign with no soldier left behind, or in the morgue. Rookie level isn’t exactly easy though, it can surprise you… honest.
Kudos awarded to those who play on the harder difficulties, especially Iron man mode (I couldn’t do that, Earth would be doomed).
Chevy Malibu (PSN ID)
Shopping list of problems
Projects cancelled, huge layoffs, a downturn in the market as big investment dries up and new games are released to a saturated market, gamers still play for the same amount of time but on fewer titles – all leading to unsustainable growth.
Some will speculate that it was difficult to predict, but as a games player, with two games-playing sons (14 and 28) and having worked in and around the industry since the early ’90s, it was pretty obvious this would happen.
Here’s a topline summary of some of the key problems:
Post-Covid cost of living.
Too many games that aren’t significantly as good as the market leaders.
Live service games played for long game sessions.
A few brilliant AAA titles which players can easily sink 300+ hours into.
Development costs of $100 million minimum for a good title.
New generation consoles are not demonstrating significant improvements in the actual gaming experience, when the last generation still have incredible games at much lower prices, and a big pre-owned market.
Codes for sale
The Broken Sword: Reforged – Collector’s Edition is available to back on Kickstarter now. They have three options: digital copy (£45), physical copy with digital copy (£100), and finally ultimate physical copy and digital copy (£200).
I just wanted a physical copy and no digital copy, like I did with the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Kickstarter. I am thinking about ordering the physical copy with digital copy of Broken Sword: Reforged (£100) and then selling the digital copy on eBay. Has anyone had any experience of selling digital codes on eBay?
I am just worried that if I was to sell the code a buyer could turn round and say the code didn’t work (when it actually has) and then request a refund. I have sold physical games and Blu-rays on eBay, which I did not like or did not want anymore, but never game codes because of said concern.
Andrew J.
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The reason is that there are reasons
Such sad and deflating news, Sony firing 900 people from its PlayStation studios. I really feel for game developers right now. Not only does their job sound incredibly stressful, with expected/mandated crunch at a lot of studios, but now they seemingly also have very little job security.
Other than the firing of so many hardworking employees, very few of which I imagine are at the executive level and made decisions that may have contributed to a downturn in PlayStation performance or profits (if there has been a downturn), the major disappointment is the lack of detail or reasoning behind the decision.
Herman Hulst said ‘…our industry has experienced continuing and fundamental change which affects how we all create, and play, games.’ This is very vague and, other than high interest rates and cost of living crisis (in the UK, at least), what are these fundamental changes to how they create games? Particularly, what are the fundamental changes in how we play games?
That almost sounds like he’s saying no one wants single-player narrative driven games anymore. Or that PlayStation thought everyone wanted live service games so pivoted hard to creating 12 of those before realising the market would struggle to sustain more live service games, as people only have so much time to play games a day.
Whatever the reasoning, it’s another cull of skilled, hardworking employees. I don’t know how all these companies think removing 8% of your workforce will help make games easier or more quickly, but I guess it’ll make them cheaper to develop (in theory).
GC: You’ve hit the nail on the head. Although you can intuit what’s going on, nobody in the industry has laid it out plainly and most of what they have said is just a meaningless word salad.
Inbox also-rans
Completely agree with your Star Wars: Dark Forces review… in terms of the bit where you complain about stormtroopers being bad shots. Where did this idea come from? And why is a stupid internet joke now canon and, as you say, responsible for ruining The Mandalorian.
I’ll give EA one thing they don’t give up. Despite Need For Speed and Battlefield constantly tripping up they keep trying to make them hits. I can’t help thinking it’d be better to invent a new franchise but nope, EA keep ploughing on in the hope the law of averages will give them a hit.
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