Games Inbox: GTA 6 campaign co-op, PS1 vs. N64, and reassessing Dark Souls after 13 years-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro
The Wednesday letters page imagines a world where all games are as cheap as Fallout 4, as one reader is not sad to see the end of Watch Dogs.

GTA 6 – can you play with a friend? (Picture: Rockstar Games)
The Wednesday letters page imagines a world where all games are as cheap as Fallout 4, as one reader is not sad to see the end of Watch Dogs.
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Playing together
I would be very surprised if GTA 6 was to have single-player DLC. If GTA 5 didn’t have it, I really don’t see Rockstar doing things any differently for the new game. From their point of view they’ve proven what they did with GTA 5 is the right way to handle things and any time and money spent on a story expansion is something they could’ve spent on GTA Online 2.
I’d welcome it, obviously, but I don’t even really bother to hope for it. What I am hoping for, though, is campaign co-op. They’ve never had this in a GTA single-player mode, and I think it’d be amazing. There also happens to be two main characters in GTA 6, so you could do the whole thing with two players and it’d totally make sense.
We’re all sad about the death of couch co-op but for some reason it’s disappearing in terms of online now as well. I really can’t believe it’s so unpopular that it’s not worth including, but they always seem to leave it out. Apparently, it’s hard to implement, but I’m sure Rockstar have the resources to get it right. And yet I’ve heard nothing to even hint at the game having co-op.
Dream price
So, it’s pretty amazing how well the Fallout games are doing at the moment, thanks to the Amazon show, but I do feel it’s not being appreciated exactly what’s going. Obviously, the TV show is getting people interested, and I’m sure that will only encourage even more video game adaptations (can’t wait till they start scraping the bottom of the barrel with Bubsy Bobcat or whatever).
That’s fine but the fact that many seem to be missing is that many of these games are free or close to it. Fallout 4 is currently £4 on the PlayStation Store and Fallout 76 is just £7. Somehow, I think this just might have something to do with the games’ current popularity.
But imagine if this was the norm! Imagine a big budget, triple-A game being released at £10 or less. Wouldn’t that be amazing? I know it will never happen but I’m sure there must be a sweet spot where many more people buy a game because it’s cheap and the publisher ends up making more profit overall as a result. Which would be better for everyone.
Game plan
I’d like to start off by saying the following disclaimer of sorts. I’m a 42-year-old man. I live with my fiancé and no kids. In short, I get more downtime than most people my age. However, after reading the readers’ submission about how long games should be aimed more at a younger audience I found myself thinking. Mainly that the writer of the article needs to do a bit of research before buying a 100-hour role-playing game. I don’t think you can just say no more long games!
Just because you feel that you don’t have time. I’m not saying that everyone has time spare, but you could change your view. I work full time. It’s taken me the best part of three months to beat Persona 3 Reload. I’m not mad about it because I treat it like a series on Netflix or a book. I play an hour or so a night and on my days off I binge where I can.
This obviously won’t work for everyone and, yes, sometimes I have a go on something else just to change it up. But I go back because I want to finish the story. I totally get that if you have kids they change your life but if you want to do your hobby just use the time you have got and if you can’t maybe just don’t buy massive games without checking first. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my episode of Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Button Bashford
Email your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk
Out of character
I think no more Watch Dogs is one rumour we can all very easily believe. Although I agree Watch Dogs 2 was the best one (for some reason I’ve played them all, at least a bit, by getting them all cheap) I didn’t even really like that one much, since I didn’t like any of the characters.
This is always a problem for me with games and I notice it’s a particular problem in Ubisoft games, where everyone’s trying to be too cool for school and just coming across as a bit smarmy. The biggest mistake though was Watch Dog Legions, which somehow didn’t realise that if you can play as anyone then that means you have no main characters outside the villain and your quest givers, and they certainly didn’t make up for it.
If it’s a game with a story you’ve got to care about your character, in my opinion, and that never happened to me with any of the Watch Dog games.
See a specialist
For the person looking to get a pre-built gaming PC, I’m in a similar boat and with the cost savings you used to get building yourself now pretty negligible I too will be going the pre-built route.
I’ve been burnt by Dell’s bespoke motherboards before, so after some research (asking some mates in the sim racing community) it looks like PC Specialist come well recommended. They do some off-the-shelf, but also build to spec. Never used them before, but I trust the people who recommend them.
I’m also planning to move over to AMD from Intel, as I’m fed up of Intel changing sockets so frequently, I will get a DDR5 RAM system. But I’m sticking with Nvidia though; I can’t give up DLSS.
I’m hanging on until the end this year though.
Have fun gaming y’all!
The Dude Abides
13 years later
***WARNING: Dark Souls Spoilers***
The combat for Dark Souls is showing its age, it’s slow and overly rote, and some of the design decisions do come across as quite annoying to me now.
Downloaded the game to work on the trophy list, which has been at 68% since 2020. Went with a Faith build, as collecting all the miracles was one of the outstanding trophies.
Being familiar with the game I’ve learnt to put all my souls into whatever stat for the build I chose early doors, when it’s cheapest, and to deal out high damage from the off.
I knew to get my Faith up to 25, to able to join the Warrior of Sunlight covenant and receive the Lighting Spear. So, I baited out the Wyvern with a bow to run pass and join the covenant. After that, using the master key to go to the vomiting dragon under the Firelink Shrine and collect the faith scaling Astora’s Straight Sword.
It was all going well until Ornstein and Smough, where my buffed-up Faith stat had little effect on Ornstein. I guess he has high resistance to it, as a lightning user himself. As you can’t re-spec in Dark Souls I think if this was my first playthrough I would of given up there.
But as I’m not green to it I knew most of the oversized enemies can be neutered by just getting right into the crotch area and swinging. So, a sweaty five minutes later and some obligatory unintended air kicks and Ornstein was done.
Up until this fresh jaunt through Lodran I would say that Dark Souls was my favourite Soulsborne game for the level design, lore, and withholding fast travel until late game. But I can’t say that now and mean it. With respect to the game’s triumphs and impact on the industry it’s been a bit of an irritating revisit.
Available now
For a few days or so there has literally been no amiibo in stock on the Nintendo UK Store, now when you search for amiibo on the store (Tuesday) there is 153 results in stock(!) and they include lots of rare and difficult to get ones like Sephiroth, Bayonetta, various Links, Sonic, Mario No. 1, Pokemon Trainer, etc.
I am saving for a new PC currently so can’t buy all the ones I would like for my collection unfortunately, so have just narrowed it down to two amiibo for myself: Sephiroth and a different Samus amiibo one I don’t have.
Andrew J.
Just completed: Moss: Book 2 (PSVR2) – I highly recommend it!
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The fifth generation
I hope GC and the readers (of a certain vintage!) can help settle a debate between me and a friend. I was an N64 owner back in the day, whilst he had a PlayStation.
I argued that although the N64 may have not had the diversity and breadth of titles in its catalogue – lack of a top-class role-playing game, racing sim, or beat ‘em-up – the bar for its best titles was higher than that of the PlayStation. For me, the holy trinity of Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007, and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time are of superior quality to anything that appeared on the PlayStation. I do, however, concede that the baseline quality of PlayStation titles was possibly higher than that of the N64 (although there was plenty of shovelware on both).
My friend insists that that the PlayStation’s top tier titles are superior, including Metal Gear Solid, Grand Turismo, and Final Fantasy, whilst also suggesting that the quality of most releases was better.
Essentially, I recall there being more titles at quality extremes on the N64, from the sublime (Super Mario 64) to the atrocious (Superman), with PlayStation having more very good titles and less game changing, all-time classics.
Thoughts most welcome.
Mark Fitz
GC: There’s so little in common between the exclusives on each console we’re not sure it’s a useful question, especially as you’re both arguing from a point of nostalgia. Bringing the worst games on each system into it seems especially pointless, because who cares about those?
Inbox also-rans
Is it just me or does Hades 2 look virtually identical to the first game? Not that that’s a terrible thing, but it feels like it could have just been DLC.
It’s obvious at this point that Green Goblin is going to be the lead villain in Spider-Man 3 but I have great difficulty imagining that Insomniac will make him as weird and wacky as he needs to be to work. He’s more like the Joker than any other Spidey villain and I have a nasty feeling they’re going to ruin him.
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MORE : Games Inbox: Explaining the Fallout TV show’s success, Hades 2 footage, and Rose & Camellia price
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