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Other publishers will be able to talk about Nintendo Switch 2 this year claims source-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The leaker who first suggested the Switch 2 has been delayed into 2025 has revealed he knows about more remasters coming this year.

Other publishers will be able to talk about Nintendo Switch 2 this year claims source-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Xenoblade Chronicles X – has Nintendo been saving it for a rainy day? (Nintendo)

The leaker who first suggested the Switch 2 has been delayed into 2025 has revealed he knows about more remasters coming this year.

Nintendo confirming their next console will be announced before this time next year is the first step towards its eventually reveal and release, but it still doesn’t tell you much. It implies that the console won’t be released in 2023, but probably will be next year, but Nintendo never said that and it’s always best not to take anything for granted with them.

It’s long been rumoured that the Switch 2, as it’s been nicknamed by fans, was originally intended to be out this year but delayed until 2025 and the first source to have made that suggestion has now released a new video explaining everything he knows about Nintendo’s plans at the moment.

According to YouTuber Brazil, the Switch 2 is still scheduled for March 2025, with a reveal announcement likely to take place somewhere between September and November this year – which is what most people would’ve expected. However, he also suggests that third party publishers will be allowed to allude to the new console in the second half of this year.

Other publishers hinting about a new console before it’s properly announced is not unheard of – it most famously happened with the original Watch Dogs – but it is unusual for Nintendo to allow it.

Supposedly, publishers will be able to obliquely refer to a ‘Switch successor’ console when announcing new games, with Brazil claiming to already know about a number of multiplatform games that will be announced for the Switch 2 this year.

Brazil also speculates, as we did, that Metroid Prime 4 might be the lead Switch game this Christmas, and it would be an equally natural guess to imagine that an enhanced version would become a Switch 2 launch title.

Although, given the Switch 2 is rumoured to be backwards compatible – something Nintendo themselves have hinted at – that may not be strictly necessary.

In terms of the June Nintendo Direct, he claims to have knowledge of several new remasters that will fill out the Switch’s last year as Nintendo’s primary console.

He uses Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD as an example, which was originally a 3DS game, but whether that’s meant to hint at more portable remasters is unclear.

However, there was a new age rating listing in the US for Wii U game Kirby And The Rainbow Paintbrush (aka Kirby And The Rainbow Curse) recently, and Zelda titles The Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD have been rumoured for a long while.

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It’s also peculiar that the excellent Xenoblade Chronicles X still hasn’t been ported from the Wii U, but perhaps Nintendo was holding it back for exactly this occasion. Likewise, a recent leak also suggests that a spiritual successor to NES Remix on the Wii U is also heading to Switch this year.

Brazil ends by suggesting that there will be many more leaks in the near future now that Nintendo has made their announcement, and if he knows what the upcoming remasters are then it’s likely other will too – and they may not be so reticent to reveal the information.

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