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Borderlands 4 reveal expected on Friday – not Mafia 4 – claims new leak-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

We may be just hours away from Gearbox announcing a new entry in the Borderlands franchise, as hopes for Mafia 4 diminish.

Borderlands 4 reveal expected on Friday – not Mafia 4 – claims new leak-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Borderlands 4 sounds like its imminent (2K)

We may be just hours away from Gearbox announcing a new entry in the Borderlands franchise, as hopes for Mafia 4 diminish.

It’s the main Summer Game Fest livestream on Friday night (10pm from a UK perspective) and that means the rumourmills are churning out a final flurry of predictions. The closer the event gets the more likely it is for details to leak out, especially as Take-Two has already confirmed they will have a new announcement.

With previous talk of a Mafia 4 unveiling in the near future, that’s been the common assumption as to what they’ll show at Summer Game Fest, but one usually reliable source claims that’s not true and that it’s going to be Borderlands 4 instead.

Developer Gearbox was recently purchased by Take-Two and at the time confirmed that Boderlands 4 is in ‘active development’, although until there’s been no indication of when it might be revealed. But with a movie adaptation coming up it does seem a good time for a new entry.

The announcement from Summer Game Fest itself states that, ‘2K plans to reveal the next iteration in one of 2K’s biggest and most beloved franchises at Summer Game Fest.’

This was originally assumed to be Mafia 4 because Take-Two has already confirmed the game exists, but according to leaker Kurakasis it will not be part of Summer Game Fest.

Kurakasis also states that there is ‘a chance’ that the game gets formally announced before the event, although if that’s going to happen it’s leaving it very late.

Another possibility, based on the ‘beloved sequel’ description, is Bioshock 4, which has been stuck in development hell for years.

However, Take-Two recently laid off more than 550 employees, in a move that also saw the cancellation of several unnamed projects.

There’s been no indication that one of them was Bioshock 4 but there’s been no confirmation that it wasn’t either. In that sense it would be more of a relief if a new Bioshock was revealed on Friday but at the moment there’s no indication of that happening.

Other rumours at the moment suggest that the mysterious Lego Horizon Adventures game will also be announced at Summer Game Fest, as well as something Mega Man related from Capcom.

These are just rumours though and apart from the usual danger of inaccuracies, publishers often change their minds about reveals at the last minute, so nothing is set in stone until the event itself happens.

Borderlands 3 is five years old now (2K)

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