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Community-based early HIV testing and treatment could successfully manage and prevent emerging HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs, study suggests – – University of Bristol – All news

Community-based testing and treatment response to Glasgow’s HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs (PWID) successfully brought the 2015 outbreak under control, modelling led by academics at the University of Bristol suggests. The study’s findings, published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID), indicate that approximately three times as many people would have been infected by 2020 if these interventions had not been implemented.

Community-based early HIV testing and treatment could successfully manage and prevent emerging HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs, study suggests –  – University of Bristol – All news

Community-based testing and treatment response to Glasgow’s HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs (PWID) successfully brought the 2015 outbreak under control, modelling led by academics at the University of Bristol suggests. The study’s findings, published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID), indicate that approximately three times as many people would have been infected by 2020 if these interventions had not been implemented.University of Bristol – All news