Is your bra making you look fat? The 7 essential steps to make sure your undies are boosting not bloating your best bits
THE wrong size bra means your clothes might not look as flattering as they should.
Abby McHale reveals how to get the perfect fit
SuppliedThe wrong size bra means your clothes might not look as flattering as they should[/caption]
SuppliedWe have top tips for getting the best out of your bra[/caption]
You know the feeling . . . you’re standing in front of the mirror and you notice your tops are looking tighter or that your blouse buttons are gaping.
Christmas overindulgence might not be to blame.
Rather than countless Quality Street chocolates making you look fatter (although they don’t help), the answer could be a vital part of your wardrobe — your bra.
As many as 96 per cent of women are wearing the wrong size, according to new research by lingerie brand Wacoal.
As well as making for uncomfortable undies, this can also impact your whole outfit says Paulene Leese, the brand’s expert bra fitter.
Paulene, who has more than 45 years’ experience in the trade, says: “If your boobs aren’t where they should be because you are wearing the wrong size bra, then the clothes you are wanting to wear aren’t going to fit as well.
“This could result in you needing a different dress size.”
Here, she gives Fabulous Daily her top tips for getting the best out of your bra . . .
SuppliedA well fitting bra can make you feel more confident[/caption]
SuppliedUncomfortable undies can also impact your whole outfit says Paulene Leese[/caption]
YOU might think straps do the hard graft of supporting your boobs, but the band does 80 per cent of the work.
The strip around your ribcage distributes the weight of your breasts and creates a stable base for the cups.
To do the best job, it should be level at the front and back, so it doesn’t ride up at the rear.
Paulene says: “One of the most common mistakes we see is people thinking you have to go up a band size if your bra feels a bit tight.
“But you have to put on an awful lot of weight for that to happen.You want to go up a cup size as that will relax the band while still giving the support.”
ADJUSTING your straps might seem like the answer to your bra problems.
But pulling them too tight can make them dig in, causing unnecessary bulging.
“When women don’t get enough support on the back, they adjust the straps,” says Paulene.
“But then the weight of your boobs is still pulling you down and when you aren’t getting lift, your boobs are lower than where they should be, making you look bigger.
“By getting proper lift you are getting forward projection from the side support and that will elongate your body and make your waist look longer and slimmer.
“And if your straps are slipping off your shoulders, you can bring in the band which will also bring in the straps.”
WOMEN have an average of three bras on rotation and if they are being worn every day, that means they are getting heavy use.
To extend their lifespan as long as possible, use them on the loosest hook when you first buy them.
As the bra stretches over time — which all of them do — move onto the smaller fastenings.
When the tightest one feels too loose, you know it’s time to get yourself a new bra.
Paulene says: “When we do fittings, we do so on the loosest hook. We tend to advise that after about two months of washing and wearing, you should go on to the next one and so on.
“Because we fit on the loosest hook, going straight to the tightest can make for unwanted bulging.”
IT isn’t just the tightness of the band that makes a difference — the thickness is key too.
A thin one will not only provide less support but can also cause bulging, especially if you are fuller busted.
“Buying a bra that has got a wider band makes it look smoother and has an even distribution of weight,” says Paulene.
“What women tend to do is turn around to look in the mirror to look at their back while their bra is on, but it creates a crease that makes it seem as if it doesn’t fit.
“But if you can look at the reflection of your back in another mirror, without turning, like in a changing room, this won’t happen if you have the right size on.”
COMFORT is key when choosing a bra but if you have shunned underwired options thinking they will dig in, think again.
Paulene says: “There is a myth about underwired bras not being as comfortable.
“But that isn’t the case — you’re just wearing the wrong size.
“When people come in and ask for a non-wired bra because they think they are more comfortable, I show them the difference a wired bra makes, the separation and lift it gives, and they won’t go back.”
WHEN you first put your bra on, it often isn’t in the correct position and you will need to adjust things.
This is especially key for the cups as it can lead to the bra digging into breast tissue, causing discomfort as well as problems further down the line.
Paulene says: “The cups should fully cover your breasts and the underwire should extend past the breast tissue so there is no squashing under your arm.”
Use the scoop method to achieve a snug fit and stop breasts spilling over the top, making it look like the bra is too small for you.
Paulene explains: “Make sure you take hold of your breast inside the bra cup and scoop your breast into place so the underwire is sitting correctly.”
EVERY section of your bra plays a part in ensuring the best fit, even the sides.
You need support on the outer corner of your cup so it lines up with your armpit.
Supporting your breast properly allows it to sit forward and not bulge, creating a more streamlined look that makes you look slimmer.
“Look out for our Fantasie Fusion bra at £37,” says Paulene.
“It’s designed with strong internal side support that doesn’t push the breast forward, but keeps it in the correct position.”
New Year, New Bra
suppliedBlue, £37, Curvy Kate[/caption]
suppliedBrown, £14, George at Asda[/caption]
suppliedPurple, £44, Elomi[/caption]
suppliedRed, £38, Fantasie[/caption]
suppliedPink, £45 pack of 3, Next[/caption]
suppliedOlive green, £42, Triumph[/caption]
suppliedDark green bra, £28, M&S[/caption]
suppliedDark red bra, £13, Tu at Sainsbury’s[/caption]
THE wrong size bra means your clothes might not look as flattering as they should.
Abby McHale reveals how to get the perfect fit
SuppliedThe wrong size bra means your clothes might not look as flattering as they should[/caption]
SuppliedWe have top tips for getting the best out of your bra[/caption]
You know the feeling . . . you’re standing in front of the mirror and you notice your tops are looking tighter or that your blouse buttons are gaping.
Christmas overindulgence might not be to blame.
Rather than countless Quality Street chocolates making you look fatter (although they don’t help), the answer could be a vital part of your wardrobe — your bra.
As many as 96 per cent of women are wearing the wrong size, according to new research by lingerie brand Wacoal.
As well as making for uncomfortable undies, this can also impact your whole outfit says Paulene Leese, the brand’s expert bra fitter.
Paulene, who has more than 45 years’ experience in the trade, says: “If your boobs aren’t where they should be because you are wearing the wrong size bra, then the clothes you are wanting to wear aren’t going to fit as well.
“This could result in you needing a different dress size.”
Here, she gives Fabulous Daily her top tips for getting the best out of your bra . . .
SuppliedA well fitting bra can make you feel more confident[/caption]
SuppliedUncomfortable undies can also impact your whole outfit says Paulene Leese[/caption]
YOU might think straps do the hard graft of supporting your boobs, but the band does 80 per cent of the work.
The strip around your ribcage distributes the weight of your breasts and creates a stable base for the cups.
To do the best job, it should be level at the front and back, so it doesn’t ride up at the rear.
Paulene says: “One of the most common mistakes we see is people thinking you have to go up a band size if your bra feels a bit tight.
“But you have to put on an awful lot of weight for that to happen.
You want to go up a cup size as that will relax the band while still giving the support.”
ADJUSTING your straps might seem like the answer to your bra problems.
But pulling them too tight can make them dig in, causing unnecessary bulging.
“When women don’t get enough support on the back, they adjust the straps,” says Paulene.
“But then the weight of your boobs is still pulling you down and when you aren’t getting lift, your boobs are lower than where they should be, making you look bigger.
“By getting proper lift you are getting forward projection from the side support and that will elongate your body and make your waist look longer and slimmer.
“And if your straps are slipping off your shoulders, you can bring in the band which will also bring in the straps.”
WOMEN have an average of three bras on rotation and if they are being worn every day, that means they are getting heavy use.
To extend their lifespan as long as possible, use them on the loosest hook when you first buy them.
As the bra stretches over time — which all of them do — move onto the smaller fastenings.
When the tightest one feels too loose, you know it’s time to get yourself a new bra.
Paulene says: “When we do fittings, we do so on the loosest hook. We tend to advise that after about two months of washing and wearing, you should go on to the next one and so on.
“Because we fit on the loosest hook, going straight to the tightest can make for unwanted bulging.”
IT isn’t just the tightness of the band that makes a difference — the thickness is key too.
A thin one will not only provide less support but can also cause bulging, especially if you are fuller busted.
“Buying a bra that has got a wider band makes it look smoother and has an even distribution of weight,” says Paulene.
“What women tend to do is turn around to look in the mirror to look at their back while their bra is on, but it creates a crease that makes it seem as if it doesn’t fit.
“But if you can look at the reflection of your back in another mirror, without turning, like in a changing room, this won’t happen if you have the right size on.”
COMFORT is key when choosing a bra but if you have shunned underwired options thinking they will dig in, think again.
Paulene says: “There is a myth about underwired bras not being as comfortable.
“But that isn’t the case — you’re just wearing the wrong size.
“When people come in and ask for a non-wired bra because they think they are more comfortable, I show them the difference a wired bra makes, the separation and lift it gives, and they won’t go back.”
WHEN you first put your bra on, it often isn’t in the correct position and you will need to adjust things.
This is especially key for the cups as it can lead to the bra digging into breast tissue, causing discomfort as well as problems further down the line.
Paulene says: “The cups should fully cover your breasts and the underwire should extend past the breast tissue so there is no squashing under your arm.”
Use the scoop method to achieve a snug fit and stop breasts spilling over the top, making it look like the bra is too small for you.
Paulene explains: “Make sure you take hold of your breast inside the bra cup and scoop your breast into place so the underwire is sitting correctly.”
EVERY section of your bra plays a part in ensuring the best fit, even the sides.
You need support on the outer corner of your cup so it lines up with your armpit.
Supporting your breast properly allows it to sit forward and not bulge, creating a more streamlined look that makes you look slimmer.
“Look out for our Fantasie Fusion bra at £37,” says Paulene.
“It’s designed with strong internal side support that doesn’t push the breast forward, but keeps it in the correct position.”
New Year, New Bra
suppliedBlue, £37, Curvy Kate[/caption]
suppliedBrown, £14, George at Asda[/caption]
suppliedPurple, £44, Elomi[/caption]
suppliedRed, £38, Fantasie[/caption]
suppliedPink, £45 pack of 3, Next[/caption]
suppliedOlive green, £42, Triumph[/caption]
suppliedDark green bra, £28, M&S[/caption]
suppliedDark red bra, £13, Tu at Sainsbury’s[/caption]Fashion – Latest Style News And Fabulous Trends | The Sun