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Line of Duty trailer drops huge clue about who ‘H’ is as criminal’s bad spelling appears in police report

LINE Of Duty fans have been locked in furious debate about who’s handwriting it seen in the show’s finale.

A glimpse into the action that takes place on Sunday’s episode – which could be the cop show’s last ever – includes the mis-spelt word “definate”.

Line of Duty fans are locked in debate over who is behind this spot of bad spelling

As long-time fans of the drama will know, that error has cropped up time and again when the shadowy ‘H’ has communicated with bent cops.

However, the trailer shows it written on what appears to be an official document concerning Operation Lighthouse – the investigation into journalist Gail Vella’s murder.

That puts one of the cops in the frame – and what’s more, fans are convinced it’s a woman’s writing which narrows the field even more.

That leaves ex AC-12 crimebuster Kate Fleming or super-smug DCI Patricia Carmichael.


Kate Fleming worked on Operation Lighthouse and could have written the report[/caption]

There have been endless clues Carmichael is the sinister ‘H’ controlling a network of corrupt officers in Central Police – not least that the spelt out the letter in morse code during an interrogation.

However, as some fans have pointed out, she would be aware of what a clanging great clue the spelling “definately” is.

One tweeted: “The big three and Carmichael are all aware of the significance of this mistake from series 5.

“Which (unless it’s an historic document) leaves Osborne… but this is a younger woman’s handwriting, I’m sure of it.”