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Brits could enjoy cheaper fish and chips with £22 billion Brexit trade deal with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein

BRITS could soon tuck in to cheaper fish and chips after the UK sealed a £22billion post-Brexit trade deal with Iceland and Norway.

The agreement struck with the two Scandinavian countries – and tiny Liechtenstein – slashes import tariffs on haddock, shrimps and prawns.

Brits could soon tuck into cheaper fish and chips

Trade Secretary Liz Truss today chalked up the deal as a big win for Global Britain – and will be dining on haddock and chips tonight to celebrate.

Allaying fears British fisherman could be undercut by cheap alternatives, Government sources insisted this nation of seafood-lovers already relies on overseas imports to meet demand.

And the Department for International Trade says the deal will shore up 18,000 jobs in Red Wall towns such as Grimsby where imported fish is processed.

Tariffs on exports of British cheese will also be cut by as much as 277 per cent, which ministers hope will open the door for farmers to sell produce in the trio of countries.

Cutting-edge tech will allow all the trade paperwork to be done digitally and do away with red tape.

Ms Truss said: “Today’s deal will be a major boost for our trade with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, growing an economic relationship already worth £21.6billion, while supporting jobs and prosperity in all four nations at home.”

Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are inside the Single Market but not fully-fledged EU members, meaning they can strike out on their own to forge trade deals.

All sides shook hands on the deal today – which happened to be National Fish and Chip day – and will formally sign in the coming weeks.

The round of talks were somewhat eclipsed by the Cabinet row over the Australian free trade deal, which Boris Johnson gave the green light despite protests from Farming Secretary George Eustice.

Trade Secretary Liz Truss today chalked up the deal as a big win for Global Britain – and will be dining on haddock and chips tonight to celebrate

Norway’s prime minister Erna Solberg said: “This agreement secures Norwegian jobs and facilitates economic growth, and it marks an important step forward in our relationship with the UK after Brexit.”

Iceland’s foreign minister Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, said: “I have placed great emphasis on ensuring a good future relationship with the UK after leaving the European Union and I am convinced that this agreement will strengthen the economic and friendly relations between Iceland and the UK in the future.”

Liechtenstein’s minister of foreign affairs Dominique Hasler added: “The agreement provides an excellent basis for continuing our close economic relationships and expanding them in the future.”