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Woman shares easy iPhone hack which means you’ll never misplace it again

A WOMAN has shared a super easy iPhone hack which means you’ll never lose or misplace it ever again.

If your iPhone is set up to recognize your voice, you might just be in luck.

TikTokA woman revealed she just calls out to her phone when she loses it[/caption]

TikTok user Jillian shared with her followers the trick she uses whenever she’s lost her phone.

“Protip, when you lose your iPhone, you just have to shout ‘Hey Siri, where are you?,’ the fitness instructor started in her video.

“And she’ll literally respond, ‘Here I am.’”

However, a few people in the comment section shared that in order for Siri to respond, the ringer needs to be on and the phone needs to be facing up for it to activate.

TikTokAsking Siri where she is will have her talking back[/caption]

One of her followers also revealed their very own way of finding their iPhone by simply using their AppleWatch.

“I just tap the finder on my Apple Watch,” the person revealed which is a function where, with one tap of your finger from your watch, your phone will start beeping until you find it.

Previously, another TikTok user had shared yet another amazing iPhone hack where you can schedule your text messages to send whenever you want them to.

To try it yourself, first, find the built-in Shortcuts app on your iPhone.

You can type “Shortcuts” into the iPhone search bar if you’re unsure.

GettyYou must have Siri activated on your phone in order for it to talk back to you[/caption]

Once you’ve opened the app, click the Automation button at the bottom of the screen.

Then, click “Create Personal Automation” and then “Time of Day.”

Select the time of day you want the message to be sent and whether you want it sent daily, weekly or monthly.

Then click “Add action”, search for “Messages” and then click the green icon.

Add this to your shortcut and select the contact you wish to message.

You can turn off “Ask Before Running” if you don’t want to be reminded about the automated message.

Your message should then send automatically.

Once you’re done with it, you can then delete the shortcut from your phone.

GettyYou can also schedule text messages before sending them[/caption]