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Two 11-year-old girls fall through ice and get trapped while walking over frozen River Trent sparking dramatic rescue

TWO 11-year-old girls had to be rescued after they fell through ice while walking on a frozen river.

One of the girls fell through the ice into the freezing-cold water in the River Trent in Holgate yesterday.

Nottinghamshire Police

Two girls had to be rescued after getting trapped in an icy river[/caption]

Nottinghamshire Police

The girls tried to cross the River Trent[/caption]

The other girl made it to an island but was left stranded with no way to get back to safety.

Dramatic drone footage shows the girls being rescued, and it has been released by police to highlight the dangers of crossing icy rivers and lakes.

Fire crews arrived at the scene after a bystander spotted the girls.

The first girl was able to be supported in walking out the water as she was closer to the edge.

However to save the second girl fire crews had to use an inflatable ‘pathway’ to get her back to land.

The girls were extremely cold but unharmed after their icy ordeal.

David Stevenson, group manager at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “We have seen a number of people playing on frozen water over the past few days and we want to reiterate how dangerous this is.

“Running, walking or playing on frozen water can pose a huge risk of life. The ice may appear thicker than it is, and can end in a serious incident.”

Chief Inspector Duncan Southall, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “The girls are extremely lucky to have been unharmed, particularly as one of them had fallen into the water through the ice.

“The other girl managed to make it to an island in the middle of the water but was then stuck there.

“Luckily a passer-by saw them in difficulty and called the emergency services. If it hadn’t been for this person raising the alarm there could have been tragic consequences. It was getting dark at the time and was freezing cold. They are incredibly lucky this person saw them.

Nottinghamshire Police

Fire crews had to rescue the two girls[/caption]