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Trump impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen’s home spraypainted with word ‘TRAITOR’ by vandals who pelted eggs

AN IMPEACHMENT lawyer for Donald Trump had his home spray painted and egged by vandals hours before the Senate acquitted the former president.

Vandals wrote “TRAITOR” in red on attorney Michael van der Veen’s home in West Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, on Friday around 8pm, police said. 

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One of Donald Trump’s defense lawyers, Michael van der Veen, said his home was targeted on Friday night[/caption]

“My home was attacked,” van der Veen told on Fox News on Saturday. 

“To answer your question, my entire family, my business, my law firm are under siege right now. I don’t really want to go into that, though.”

Investigators said the suspects also threw eggs, as van der Veen and Trump’s other defense lawyers finished arguing their case,  according to Newsweek

“Mr. Van Der Veen’s wife had come home to find the word ‘traitor’ spray painted in her driveway and eggs thrown at the front door,” West Whiteland Township Police Department Detective Scott Pezick said on Monday.

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Vandals spray painted ‘TRAITOR’ in red on Michael van der Veen’s driveaway[/caption]

The van der Veens have hired private security for their home, which is about 30 miles southwest of Philadelphia. 

Police also upped their presence in van der Veen’s neighborhood. 

Van der Veen’s law office in downtown Philadelphia was also targeted over the weekend. 

Protesters called the personal injury lawyer a “fascist” and changed, “When van der Veen lies, what do you do? Convict. Convict,” The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

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Michael van der Veen’s law office in Philadelphia was also targeted by protesters[/caption]

No arrests have yet been made in the crime.

Another defense attorney for Trump’s impeachment trial, Bruce Castor, said his home was also vandalized on Friday night. 

“It’s been very unsettling. Mr. van der Veen’s house was vandalized last night,” Castor said on Fox News on Saturday. 

AP:Associated Press

Ex-President Donald Trump was acquitted on Saturday afternoon[/caption]

“My house was the subject of unrest. These people are lawyers and they expect to do their jobs without having fear for their personal safety.”

Senate Minority Mitch McConnell’s Louisville home was also hit last month by vandals who wrote, “MITCH KILLS THE POOR,” and, “WERES MY MONEY,” references to the coronavirus relief bill that lawmakers are still debating. 

Vandals also graffitied House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home and left a real pig’s head. 

The Senate acquitted Trump on a 57-43 vote on Saturday afternoon, a month after his supporters stormed the Capitol building in a deadly attempt to stop Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s victory. 

“This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country,” Trump said in a statement. 

“No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.”