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People with blood type A are more likely to catch Covid, study warns

PEOPLE with blood type A are more likely to catch Covid, a study warns.

Researchers found a virus protein which more easily binds to that group’s lung cells.

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Researchers found a virus protein which more easily binds to people with blood type A’s lung cells[/caption]

Dr Sean Stowell, of the Brigham teaching hospital in Massachusetts, US, said: “We may be able to find new medicines or methods of prevention.”

He added: “It is interesting that the viral RBD only really prefers the type of blood group A antigens that are on respiratory cells, which are presumably how the virus is entering most patients and infecting them.

“Blood type is a challenge because it is inherited and not something we can change.”

More than a third of people belong to the blood type – making them more likely to contract the virus.

The discovery could potentially be used to find new medicines or techniques to stop the virus, the study suggests.

Dr Stowell added: “Our observation is not the only mechanism responsible for what we are seeing clinically, but it could explain some of the influence of blood type on COVID-19 infection.”


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