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Biden’s dogs are REMOVED from White House ‘after security guard is bitten’ as Champ and Major are sent back to Delaware

PRESIDENT Joe Biden’s two German shepherds were moved to his home in Delaware after one of the canines reportedly behaved aggressively toward White House staff.

Major, adopted by Biden in November 2018, had a “biting incident” with a White House security member, two sources told CNN on Monday. 

AP: Associated Press

Biden’s two German Shepherds were moved back to Wilmington, Delaware[/caption]

The extent of the injury to the security staff was not immediately known.

But the injury was serious enough that Major and Biden’s other dog, Champ, were taken back to Wilmington, Delaware, where they will stay.

Major, 3, had shown agitated behavior on several occasions including “charging” at staff, jumping and barking, sources told CNN. 

Champ, about 13 years old, was slower due to his older age. 

The two dogs moved into the White House less than a week after Biden was inaugurated in January. 

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