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Sen Tim Scott says ‘woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy’ as he blasts MSNBC’s Joy Reid for calling him GOP prop

SOUTH CAROLINA Senator Tim Scott slammed MSNBC host Joy Reid’s claims Republicans were using him as a “prop”, saying “woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy”.

The 55-year-old Senator was berated by the US talk show host who claims he allows the GOP to manipulate him to provide a “patina of diversity” for the party.

Fox News

South Carolina’s first African American Senator, Tim Scott, hit back at Reid’s comments[/caption]


MSNBC host Joy Reid is an outspoken critic of black Republicans who she believes are used to bring a “patina of diversity” to the party[/caption]

Scott told Fox New’s host Trey Gowdy her comments need to be “taken seriously” and suggested those similarly lacking “good common sense” should read an excerpt for the Bible.

“Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. We need to take that seriously,” he began.

“And to all those folks who oppose good common sense, Mathew 5:44 is still available to be read, and read,” referring to a teaching that instructs followers to love their enemies.

It comes after outspoken Reid, an open critic of black conservatives, accused Scott of enabling the Republican Party to use him as a “GOP prop”, while discussing Scott’s endorsement opposing a $15 minimum wage increase.

She told progressive Representative Pramila Jayapal during a segment on her show: “‘You’ve got to love Tim Scott standing there to provide the patina of diversity over that round of words, that basket full of words.

Reid often criticizes Republicans, claiming they strategically use black conservatives to portray themselves as a diverse party.

Fox News host Trey Gowdy also blasted Reid’s comments before introducing Scott.

Fox News

He advised those ‘opposed to common sense’ to read a verse from the Bible, that teaches people to love their enemies[/caption]


Reid previously wrote to Scott begging him to not become a ‘token’ for Republicans[/caption]

“When she calls a United States Senator who’s a subject matter expert a prop, a token, or a superficial covering, that’s personal and that’s wrong and she should be held to account,” he said.

If Reid “knew anything about Tim Scott, she would understand full well why he would be participating in a press conference on the minimum wage,” he continued.

Scott is the first African American to become a U.S Senator from South Carolina.

He was first appointed in 2013 to take over retiring Senator Jim DeMint’s seat, and has retained his position after winning the 2014 and 2016 elections.

Reid wrote an open letter to him in 2012 when he was appointed as DeMint’s replacement, pleading with him to not allow himself to become a “token” for his political party.

After the murder of George Floyd shook the US, Scott was given the responsibility of drafting a Senate Republican bill on race and police reform.

He claimed the decision was met by scepticism from the black community and tweeted, “Not surprising the last 24 hours have seen a lot of ‘token’ ‘boy’ or ‘you’re being used’ in my mentions.”

Scott continued: “Let me get this straight … you DON’T want the person who has faced racial profiling by police, been pulled over dozens of times, or been speaking out for YEARS drafting this?”

The South Carolina native often advised former President Donald Trump on race relations during his period in office.

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Fox News host Trey Gowdy also slammed Reid’s comments and said she should be held to account[/caption]