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Watching TV now costs over £3 per viewing, research reveals

THE cost per use of everyday items has been revealed, with a television setting you back 46p each viewing.

While content services watched on the telly itself will cost up to £2.70.


TV isn’t as cheap as it might seem[/caption]

A study of 2,000 adults revealed mobile phones cost an average of £18 a month, working out at 95p for each day it is used.

It also emerged television services such as Sky, Virgin or BT, which are used 18 times a month and cost £28 on average – will amount to £1.56 a go while entertainment subscription services work out at £1.14.

Brits have also spent an average of £180 on a bicycle before using it seven times a month, spreading a cost of £2.14 per use across a year.

And a vacuum cleaner is used 11 times a month, amounting to £1.14 per use based on an average cost of £151.

James Thomas, from LG UK, which commissioned the research following their 10 per cent discount offer on their OLED TV range, said: “A significant initial outlay on an item can feel expensive, but its cost-per-use helps to define and rationalise the true value of the purchase.

“When you look at the data, a TV which you’d expect to use for the best part of a decade, actually provides remarkable value.


What’s your favourite streaming service?[/caption]

“And when you make any major purchase, you expect longevity while also achieving great value for money.”

It also emerged streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video or Netflix set the average Brit back £16 per month but will be used 14 times over that period – working out at a cost of £1.14 a day.

And those who pay for the music equivalent such as Spotify or Apple outlay £12 a month while using them 11 times, with the daily total coming out at £1.09 per listening session.

With Brits expecting new TVs to last at least seven years on average – which would equate to at least 8,736 hours of use – the average person gets a substantial 19 hours of entertainment per £1 they spend on a TV.

And with 83 per cent of Brits daily users – a television would cost them 46p a day across that time period based on a £1,000 purchase.


Here’s the full list…

1. Television                  0.46
2. Hair dryer                  0.51
3. Iron                          0.74
4. Tablet                          0.76
5. Straighteners          0.84
6. Mobile phone          0.95
7. Music subscription e.g. Spotify  1.09
8. Entertainment subscription e.g. Netflix 1.14
9. Vacuum                          1.14
10. Designer Jeans                  1.25
11. Smart shoes/heels          1.40
12. Blu Ray Player          1.52
13. Designer jacket          1.52
14. Television services e.g. Sky/Virgin  1.56
15. Games console          1.58

Four in 10 view a TV as an investment, however, many homes across the nation have yet to invest in a modern TV, with 30 per cent not having the capability of connecting to the internet.

Seven in 10 people have saved-up money during the current lockdown, with three quarters (73 per cent) planning on making a considered purchase such as a car, holiday or TV once lockdown lifts.

Quality (40 per cent) and value for money (38 per cent) are by far the two most important elements of a TV purchase, indicating that although many have amassed a small fortune through lack of spending opportunities with high streets closed, people are still motivated to hunt out the best deals.

James Thomas from LG UK added: “While the preference of many will be to spend their lockdown savings on going out and socialising, our homes will remain our primary portal for entertainment.

“And with a big summer of sport ahead of us – including cheering on England at the Euros – investing in a TV upgrade to enhance those content experiences will be money well spent.”

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