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‘Bagel Karen’ who called cashier the N-word insists it was a ‘term of ENDEARMENT’ and thinks Covid masks are ‘satanic’

“BAGEL Karen,” who called a cashier the N-word, insists it was a “term of endearment” and thinks Covid face masks are “satanic.”

Stephanie Denaro was captured in a shocking video calling an employee at a Manhattan bagel shop a “b***h a** n****r” on Sunday.


Denaro said the N-word is a ‘term of endearment’[/caption]


Denaro called an employee the N-word at a bagel shop in Manhattan[/caption]

Despite the use of the slur, the woman has gone to great lengths to insist she is not racist – even claiming that the N-word can be used as a “term of endearment.”

“I live in New York City,” she told The Daily Mail. “I’m from New York City. It’s something you hear constantly.”

“It’s constantly being said. It’s not just black people who say it … it’s a term of endearment.”

She went on to tell the outlet that she would not apologize to the cashier “because he was being rude and disrespectful to me about the masks.”


Denaro said she does not feel bad about using the slur because her children are bi-racial[/caption]


Denaro has insisted that Covid-19 is an elaborate international rouse – all to get Donald Trump out of office[/caption]

The altercation erupted after Denaro refused to put on a mask inside the store, despite being asked repeatedly.

Denaro claimed to have a medical condition which makes it OK for her to not wear a mask, but also appears to not believe Covid-19 is real.

“This was all about President Trump and getting him out of office. It was a hoax … mail-in ballots, everything,” she told the outlet.

“It’s a satanic ritual and I’m a Christian and I am not going to cover my face.”

Early Wednesday, Denaro took to one of her Instagram accounts to claim that she actually can use the N-word, because she is a “young black woman.”

She shared an image with the words, “The black and African-American race is the only race allowed to use the n-word.”


On her Instagram, Denaro said that she can’t be racist because she is also black[/caption]

“Everyone else can say it in their head if they so intensely desire, but verbalizing it is not acceptable; it never was and never will be.”

As a caption, Denaro added, “All of you hating on me for no reason! News flash!!!! I AM BLACK!!!!!

“My skin color does not look dark but my ancestry results came back as me being black! So do not be mad at me no more. Leave me alone!!! As a young black woman I love all of you!!”

She also included a photo of DNA results, that allegedly belonged to her, that showed 39% Nigerian ancestry, as well as 12% Mali, 10% Europe West, 8% Africa Southeastern Bantu and 7% Scandinavia.

Commenters, however, were quick to point out that those DNA results come up in a Google search because they were once featured in a TechCrunch article.

Yesterday, Denaro posted another image of her with one of her kids, and added another caption about how she could not possibly be racist.

“Can’t be racist if I have black children. Jealous libs. Oh yeah,” she wrote.


Denaro has shared many images of herself in MAGA gear on her Instagram[/caption]

She was wearing a “Women for Trump” shirt in the image, and has posted several other images of her in MAGA gear.

In the viral bagel shop video, Denaro, accompanied by four children including one in a stroller, is seen telling the security guard off.

The guard is heard on video telling the woman she would not be served by a bakery worker unless she donned a face mask.

Instead of abiding by the rules, the woman responded: “Why? ‘Cause he’s a b***h a** n****r, is that why?”

Immediately the people surrounding the woman elicit a negative reaction to her racist remark, to which she doubles down by saying “oooh, that’s what he is.”

When the security guard tells Denaro she needs to leave, she continues her rant, saying “that’s what he is. I just said it. You heard it.”

“It doesn’t affect me that you’re not going to serve me cause you’re a b***h,” she continued.

As the surrounding customers demand she stop saying the racial slur, the anti-masker says, “I can call him whatever I want.”

The customers continue getting angry with Denaro, with one person saying, “You’re white trash. You’re disgusting.”

Instead of following the crowd’s call to exit the market, the woman responds “Oh, I’m white trash because I have black kids?”

Finally the woman leaves the establishment, but only after the security guard tells her multiple times “you need to leave” and “let’s go.”