A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, with archaeologists from Oxford Archaeology, have found the first evidence of a religious diet locked inside...
The University of Bristol will join forces with EDF, The University of Manchester, Imperial College London and the Science and Technology Facilities Council to develop new...
Alistair Williams, Research Fellow in the Bristol Medical School, died last autumn. His colleagues in the Diabetes and Metabolism team offer a remembrance.
New research challenges the guidance that special aerosol precautions are only needed when using oxygen therapies for COVID-19 patients, and raises concerns about safety of staff...
The University of Bristol has been ranked as one of the best UK universities for sustainable transport.
Running out of books to read as a child inspired Bristol-based Dr Peace Adzo Medie to turn her own hand to writing stories. Armed with insights...
A new mental health podcast for students features real life stories, insightful guests and practical advice from experts.
A series of five evidence-based short films and factsheets about autism for the Somali community have been launched by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded...
Homelessness and unstable housing are associated with a substantial increase in HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) acquisition risk among people who inject drugs, according to...
Researchers at the Bristol Trials Centre (CTEU) at the University of Bristol and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) are leading a new...