It was curtains up for the Bristol Teaching Awards 2021 on June 16, as staff gathered online to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of those who teach...
A student start-up developing technology that will slash food waste in the education sector has won £10,000 to develop their idea.
The GW4 Alliance (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter universities – GW4) formally launched their new ‘One Health’ antimicrobial resistance research consortium this week [Wednesday 16 June]....
The power of vaccines to help save lives and shape our world has never been more evident as countries around the world fight against COVID-19. The pandemic has...
A gifted student pianist has released his first EP.
New research has highlighted the difficulties and distress people experienced when trying to get support after the death of a loved one during the pandemic, with...
Children growing up with HIV infection have concerning deficits in skeletal strength which become more apparent towards the end of pubertal growth, finds the largest study...
Many of the common procedures carried out by dentists have very low risk of increasing the aerosol spread of COVID-19 and some procedures, such as ultrasonic...
Half (52 per cent) of those who said they would definitely not get a COVID-19 vaccine when asked back in November/December 2020 have now done so,...
University of Bristol academics Professor Mike Benton, Dr Ellen Brooks Pollock, Professor Tim Cook and Professor Jane Memmott have all received awards in this year’s Queen’s...