The tenth main title in the iconic horror franchise will see its release in less than a week. Resident Evil: Village takes place three years after...
In 1998, Undertaker and Kane had a brutal rivalry, typical of the animosity between the brothers. Once this rivalry ended, Undertaker formed an iconic faction that...
Trevor Lawrence was long regarded as the consensus #1 pick heading into the 2021 NFL Draft. The quarterback from Clemson put up astounding numbers throughout his...
Genshin Impact has rolled out brand new update 1.5, which has brought in some exciting content. The community has received a whole new housing system that...
Paul Heyman has helped several Superstars over the years. Currently, Heyman is helping Roman Reigns as The Universal Champion’s legal counsel. Heyman and Reigns came together...
Max Homa is enjoying his game at the 2021 Valspar Championship. The 30-year-old is eying a third victory on the PGA Tour and he can achieve...
Victoria Azarenka, who made a terrific comeback to form at the US Open series last year, is going through a rough patch with back-to-back injuries in...
Among Us has just lost its most incredible player in Disguised Toast. The 29-year-old streamer made a name for himself in the streaming world with the...
Villagers are the heart and soul of any island in Animal Crossing New Horizons. These cute creatures that roam the place give the game a lot...
Justin Thomas is currently competing at the 2021 Valspar Championship. Thomas has been impressive at Innisbrook Resort but has not been quite effective in contending for...