With the switch to remote work, employees have been left to foot the internet bill and many workers believe some changes are in order.
After a year of remote work, companies are starting to usher employees back to the office with varying degrees of workforce enthusiasm and the Delta variant...
Shoreline.io automates fixes that range from one-line commands to remediation loops.
This article answers a few of the more common questions from those who are trying to figure out the XDR space.
A Forrester Research analyst makes the case for reassessing whether your organization needs a new approach now to ensure it delivers maximum customer value.
Material You is a new global theming engine for Android, and the third beta release extends that design scheme to icons. Jack Wallen shows you how...
You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Learn some tips to establish a positive reinforcement cybersecurity culture rather than a blame-and-shame game.
Jack Wallen has discovered a fantastic Linux performance monitor that is easy to use and gives you all the information you need at a glance. Here’s...
GB Sciences built a database and AI platform to analyze the healing powers of plants from nine traditional medicine practices.
To ward off the attack known as PetitPotam, Microsoft advises you to disable NTLM authentication on your Windows domain controller.