In the remote work era, Zoom calls have replaced traditional in-person meetings. A new survey focuses on Zoom burnout, “excessive” eye contact during video calls and...
The onus is increasingly falling on developers, who have a greater reliance on emerging technologies, a study by Checkmarx finds.
Dropping an irrelevant @here in the middle of a busy Slack channel can unnecessarily disrupt workflows and waste peoples’ time. Don’t be that person.
FlexJobs has a huge database of freelance remote jobs, and these companies are some of the biggest ones looking for IT pros.
The outlook for artificial intelligence is optimistic under the Biden administration, but executives want industry regulation, a survey finds.
The SolarWinds incident was a wake-up call for most of the security professionals surveyed by DomainTools.
The platform streamlines the hiring process by using recruiting automation and video interviewing technology.
A new Upwork report does a deep dive into the 5 key trends and takeaways for the enterprise from the pandemic shift away from commutes and...
Boomi aims to improve choice, flexibility and portability by increasing development and deployment options for citizen developers.
Making flexible working the norm stands to benefit both employers and employees by widening talent pools, improving diversity and boosting productivity, the UK government has said.