Soap2day has been a popular go-to for streaming movies and TV shows, offering a wide selection without any subscription fees. However, frequent buffering and loading issues...
Step into the fascinating world of Gogoanime TV, where anime lovers unite to bring their passion for animated entertainment to life. Have you ever wondered what...
PRIMARK fans have been sent into a frenzy after spotting a new summer essential inspired by a Noughties classic. The high street retailer is known for...
PRIMARK fans have been sent into a frenzy after spotting comfortable summer shoes selling for £2. With a lengthy list of gardening jobs to complete this...
They will celebrate his legacy.
The Monday letters page gets angry that Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree only got 9/10, as one reader asks about the legacy of Tomba.
'No regrets!'
'The amount of railings they put up suggested they were expecting hundreds.'
The actor said he 'would have' had second thoughts about signing up to the series if he'd known about the scene.
The buzz is baffling.