The ‘Tribal Chief’ Roman Reigns started his reign as the Universal Champion last year. As we all know, he got accompanied by an unexpected co-conspirator; the...
KOURTNEY Kardashian’s step-parent Caitlyn Jenner revealed that one of her famous children might be secretly pregnant as rumors have swirled that Poosh creator is reportedly expecting...
JOSEPH D. Rosenbaum was shot in the head on August 25, 2020, during the heated Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rosenbaum left behind his...
THE draw for tonight’s National Lottery EuroMillions (November 19, 2021) has taken place, with life-changing cash prizes at stake. Check the results to see if you...
Faye is now self-isolating and cannot perform (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Rex/Shutterstock) Steps star Faye Tozer was left ‘baffled’ after testing positive for Covid-19 and ‘gutted’ to be...
Rylan has ‘said goodbye’ to his teeth (Picture: Rex) He’s become known for his dazzling pearly whites, but Rylan’s iconic veneers are no more. The presenter...
Black Opal is built for curious technologists who want to master the basics of quantum without getting an advanced degree or a headache.
Commentary: The big enterprise problem isn’t running hundreds of apps across multiple clouds; no, the big problem is running the same app consistently on just one...
If you already know how to code, now you can learn how to create apps for all of Apple’s platforms to either sell on the App...
When Michael Jordan played in the NBA, he earned more than most could ever dream of. Now, at 58 years of age, Jordan has earned himself...