It follows a teenage boy who gets caught up in a football hooligan group.
A reader explains why he won’t be buying a Nintendo Switch 2 at launch and why he’s always wary of buying games and consoles on day...
A reader suspects that Microsoft will be trying to ingratiate itself with Nintendo, in an attempt to make the Switch 2 more successful than the PS5.
Ana gave birth in 1958 and thinks her twins may have been part of a massive national scandal.
As more leaks about third party support for the Nintendo Switch 2 emerge, it’s suggested Microsoft will be the most eager partner for the new console.
A reader is surprised at just how positive the response has been to the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal and asks what that means for the console’s...
Mario Kart 9 is going to be something very different (YouTube) A reader examines the footage so far for Mario Kart 9 and thinks he’s worked...
The champ gets candid about their current run and future goals.
An unexciting but successful reveal (YouTube) GameCentral muses over the long-awaited Nintendo Switch 2 teaser trailer and tries to decide whether it was a disappointment or...
There might not have been any official information about the Nintendo Switch 2 tech specs but a series of leaks may hold the answer.