A reader thinks remaking the first The Witcher game is a mistake and advises CD Projekt to concentrate on new titles instead.
A reader is angry that the launch problems of Cyberpunk 2077 are being forgotten and feels that CD Projekt should not be forgiven.
A reader reviews indie Metroidvania Islets and explains why he thinks it’s one of the best hidden gems of the year so far.
A reader is furious at the state of Halo Infinite, and it’s newly announced delays, and berates Microsoft for not reining in developer 343.
Readers discuss the most enjoyable open world games they’ve ever played, from Red Dead Redemption 2 to Dead Rising.
A reader argues that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the best game of 2022 and superior to Elden Ring, even if it’s unlikely to win many awards.
GameCentral's regular look at the best in smartphone gaming includes a Cthulhu themed take on FTL and the excellent open world RPG Dysmantle.
Readers discuss the easiest video games they’ve ever played and whether they resented the lack of challenge or welcomed it.
A reader complains about the increasing prevalence of battle passes in online games and how playing a game for fun is no longer enough.
A reader complains about the increasing prevalence of battle passes in online games and how playing a game for fun is no longer enough.