A total of 20 University of Bristol academics have been named on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list.
A Syrian man who lost his eyesight while fleeing his home country has graduated from the University of Bristol.
In November 2023, the University of Bristol announced funding for an ambitious programme which aims, through a series of targeted initiatives, to redress some of the...
A University of Bristol employee who took on an epic year of challenges in memory of his cousins has been shortlisted for a Pride of Britain...
Babies recognise pretence and around half of children can pretend themselves by 12 months, new research has found.
A start-up that is fighting fast fashion by digitising customers’ wardrobes has won a share of £30,000 in funding.
Details of an ancient cousin of modern-day mammals have been revealed by modern imaging technology.
Multi-storey buildings are assembled over cautiously to withstand wind strengths, researchers have found.
Global institutions are today being called on to back a bold, transformative plan for Africa to take its rightful role in research alliances, driving forward social...