There’s a new Elden Ring due out next year but it’s not sequel and it may not even be a role-player, based on the first enigmatic...
A reader and long-time Disgaea fans takes a long and detailed look at the series, starting with the first two games on the PlayStation 2.
A reader gives his verdict on the games he played during three months of free Game Pass and explains why he still subscription services.
A reader suggests that Nintendo switch things up again for the follow-up to Tears Of The Kingdom, and create their own take on a JRPG.
GameCentral takes a first look at the new fantasy epic from the makers of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and what is a new classic in the...
A reader argues Final Fantasy 16 being anything less than a major hit is a failure for Square Enix and any publisher in a similar position.
The series that introduced HD-2D graphics to the world continues with another retro-themed JRPG, with not one but eight playable characters.
The best Japanese role-player ever made in Germany is a clever homage to Chrono Trigger, with the best of retro and modern features.
A reader is unimpressed by the new Final Fantasy 16 trailer and wishes Square Enix would create a more traditional modern entry.