The Tuesday letters page discusses the importance of music in video games, as one reader hopes BioWare makes a new Star Wars game.
The Monday letters page asks how important a game’s soundtrack is to a review, as one reader is upset at the lack of PSVR2 backwards compatibility.
A reader recalls his life in gaming, from the NES to the PlayStation 2, and why he’s stuck with Sony but never to the point of...
Readers discuss old school video games that still hold up well today, including Super Metroid and Beyond Good & Evil.
The Wednesday letters page asks for a definition of what is and isn’t retro, as one reader admits to enjoying unpopular games.
The Tuesday letters page wants suggestions for classic Dreamcast games, as one reader tries to get hold of a PS5 Digital Edition.
The Tuesday letters page has an unusual tip for saving money on Xbox and PS Plus, as one reader is disappointed by Splatoon 3’s new presenters.
The Monday letters page wonders why open world games haven’t gone out of fashion, as another reader casts doubt on Sonic Frontiers.
The Tuesday letters page is dubious about Sega’s new cinematic plans, as one reader wishes Bungie would make Destiny 3.
Readers discuss their favourite video game rivalries, from the days of the SNES vs. Mega Drive right up to PlayStation vs. Xbox.