The Thursday letters page wonders about the expertise of video game analysts, as a reader recalls the original FMV version of The 7th Guest.
The Wednesday letters page hopes Activision will go back to making non-Call Of Duty games, as one reader looks forward to playing Daytona USA 2.
The Tuesday letters page shares more tips for getting cheap video games, as another reader praises Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch.
Readers discuss their usual tactics for beating video games and how they decide when to give up and when to multitask.
The Monday letters page considers the possibility of a video games industry crash, as one reader hopes for The Last Of Us Part 3.
A reader Is disappointed to find out the rumoured length of Spider-Man 2 and argues that publishers must change how games are priced.
The Thursday letters page suggests that episodic gaming should make a return, as one reader asks for help running a PS2 on a modern TV.
The Wednesday letters page would be find with Nintendo buying Capcom, as one reader recommends Shadow Gambit: Cursed Crew.
The Friday letters page asks if EA and Codemasters is an example of a successful acquisition, as one reader is fed up of Cyberpunk 2077 bugs.
The Monday letters page wonders if AI was used for the Tomb Raider remasters, as one reader looks forward to the final Mario Kart 8 DLC.