A Reader’s Feature worries that the 30th anniversary of PlayStation is coming at the lowest point ever for Sony’s video games business.
A reader is glad that Concord has had a poor launch and hopes that its failure will reignite Sony’s interest in single-player games.
A reader feels abandoned by Sony and the PlayStation brand and argues that long-term fans are being ignored in favour of new audiences.
The Wednesday letters page reacts to the news of layoffs at PlayStation, as one reader is fine with all games being multiformat.
A reader is unimpressed by Silent Hill: The Short Message and argues it’s part of a new wave of survival horror games that lack any real...
A reader tries to understand why it’s been so long since Sony announced a new single-player PS5 game and what they could be waiting for.
A reader is dismayed that the August update for PS Plus Premium didn’t add a single new game and accuses Sony of being asleep at the...
A reader is confused by Sony’s promotion of the revamped PS Plus and worries they’re not taking the Game Pass equivalent seriously.
A reader is confused by Sony’s promotion of the revamped PS Plus and worries they’re not taking the Game Pass equivalent seriously.