A student’s start-up is helping bin the paper business card, with a physical e-card that shares details when tapped on a phone.
A study has revealed for the first time that the crime of forced marriage remains rife in England and Wales.
A tap-to-rent electric trailer that attaches to a bike or e-scooter was one of six business ideas awarded a total of £70,000 at this year's University...
Parents of young children with eczema are being asked to consider taking part in a major new food allergy study run by researchers at the Universities...
As the cost of living continues to spiral, a new report shows more than half of gig economy workers in the UK are paid below the...
New research has revealed children’s physical activity in the UK has largely returned to pre-pandemic levels – but children are still more sedentary during the week.
A coil-powered robot fish designed by scientists at the University of Bristol could make underwater exploration more accessible.
Work on the University of Bristol’s new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus – a total investment of around £500 million - will get underway next month after...
A team of researchers will voyage more than a mile beneath the Pacific Ocean in submersible The Alvin, famous for diving to the wreck of RMS...
A study analysing millions of Tweets has revealed that Republican members of the US Congress are increasingly circulating news from dubious sources, compared to their European...