Games Inbox: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth flop worries, Unicorn Overlord success, and Dragon’s Dogma 2 hype-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro
The Friday letters page thinks Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic should be cancelled, as one reader hopes for Dino Crisis 4.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – has it sold well? (Picture: Square Enix
The Friday letters page thinks Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic should be cancelled, as one reader hopes for Dino Crisis 4.
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Mind the step
I was shocked to read that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth saw a 91% drop in its second week sales and that it had the worst first week of any recent game in the series, including the Western style Final Fantasy 16.
I find this very upsetting as, like seemingly everyone else that has written in about it to the Inbox, it is a fantastic game and probably my favourite since the SNES era. It really is that good, with a perfect balance of humour, drama, and really good gameplay.
Apparently, UK sales were 34% down on Remake in the UK, so it’s not just Japan, although it’s only in Japan that we get actual numbers, so we can see exactly how things went. I cannot believe that Final Fantasy 7 Remake sold 702,853 in its first week and Rebirth was only 262,656, that is such a massive drop.
So does that mean Rebirth has been a flop? I really hope not, and I especially hope it doesn’t put them off their approach to the third and final game.
GC: There’re enough complications in the figures for it to be unclear exactly how well it’s done. For a start the numbers are physical only but, importantly, Final Fantasy 7 Remake came out in the middle of pandemic, so its success was greatly boosted by that. Also, all modern Final Fantasy games, going back to Final Fantasy 13, have had second week drops of 87% or more. Rebirth’s numbers clearly aren’t great, but they’re not radically out of line compared to previous games.
Unicorn overload
Just like to say how much I’ve been enjoying Unicorn Overlord. I don’t think it’s the type of game that’s likely to do well in the UK but as someone that went to the trouble of buying Ogre Battle on import, and really likes Vanillaware’s games, this has been fantastic, even better than 13 Sentinels.
Even compared to Ogre Battle it’s a very unique approach to a tactical role-player and if only the story had been a bit better, I think it would’ve been near perfect for what it was trying to do.
It seems to have been an unexpectedly big hit too, with the physical edition and collector’s editions selling out around the world. I imagine they probably didn’t make that many, so I don’t how big a deal that really is, but it definitely seems to have done better than expected. Highly recommend by me.
Last minute preparations
Anyone else hyped for Dragon’s Dogma 2? I’ve been waiting for this sequel for so long I genuinely never thought it would happen but now we’re just a week away and I’m super pumped.
I’ve made all my characters already, in the creator they released and I’ve been playing the original a bit just to remind myself of the basics and get into the mood.
I know I’m probably setting myself up for a fall, but I am basically going to lock myself into my house next weekend and play nothing but. Here’s hoping I don’t end up looking like a fool two weeks for now.
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Right person for the job
It’s good to know that a bunch of developers have escaped the clutches of Embracer, but I still don’t understand how Saber is going to make a Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic remake. The original is one of the best role-playing games of all time, in my opinion, and needed BioWare at the top of their game to make.
The idea that they gave it to Aspyr, who only do cheap ports and remasters, was always ridiculous, but I don’t see how the people who are most famous for World War Z is much of an upgrade. What do they know about role-playing games?
Unless it’s going to be a 1:1 remake, where they don’t change anything but the graphics, I don’t see that they have the talent or the experience to do it properly. That’s not an insult, I wouldn’t trust BioWare to make a multiplayer zombie shooter either, different people have different specialities.
I was upset when EA canned their Respawn Star Wars shooter but I wouldn’t care at all if the Knights Of The Old Republic remake was canned, I just don’t see it ever working out.
A quick buck
Not sure what Ratcatcher wants done to counter the potential success of GTA 6.
Rockstar have made consistently high-end products for over 20 years and have continued to support and update them.
If anything, other developers and publishers should take note and try and do the same.
Also, quality independent movies still succeed in a world of big franchises. What doesn’t succeed, however, is short term profiteering.
GC: If only that were true.
65 million year wait
I see they’re talking about doing new Jurassic Park films again, with a new set of characters, so, considering the last trilogy made a bazillion dollars can I just ask games companies in advance to please make more dinosaur games.
I know this is a running joke on these pages but why are dinosaur games so rare? They can’t be working on the logic that dinosaur games never sell because they never make any to know!
Capcom are the only ones that made an effort with Exoprimal but that’s a multiplayer only game and while it’s okay I’d desperately love for them to remake Dino Crisis or make a new sequel.
I don’t expect it, but I really don’t see how something as weird as Kunitsu-Gami: Path Of The Goddess (which, don’t get me wrong, looks good) gets made but a game inspired by one of the best-selling film franchises of all time doesn’t get a look in.
I want to ride dinosaurs, I want to shoot dinosaurs, and I want to run in fear from dinosaurs. Am I really asking too much?
Increasingly outnumbered
Nothing about the Silent Hill revival makes sense to me, starting with why it’s taking priority ahead of Castlevania. But I guess they thought Silent Hill would be cheaper to make? That might be true but a) Konami is actually quite a rich company and b) no one has ever cared about Silent Hill outside of a small cult following.
I’m part of that cult, so in theory I’m favour of this anyway, except I’m not really because all this is doing is tarnishing the name of the series and making it so there’s even less good games compared to bad ones. Suddenly I understand how Star Wars fans feel.
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Happy ignorance
Regarding Summer Game Fest and all the other not-E3 shows this year, I really am desperate to know what Nintendo is going to announce. It’s interesting not just as a fan but because I know how unpredictable Nintendo is and there is so little clue as to what they’re planning.
There are good theories for Metroid Prime 4, a new Super Mario, a new Donkey Kong, and a new Mario Kart, but you could probably say the same for most of their other franchises as well. They’ll want to get a lot of big name games out in the first year, because that worked really with the Switch, but clearly not all four of those, not when you’ve also got things like Animal Crossing and Splatoon that are also going to be high up the list.
I really have no idea what they’ll do and that makes me very happy. I suppose if you were going to be snarky you could say the same of Sony but in their case they’re consistently doing nothing at all, whereas with Nintendo you know they’re actually building up to something real.
I’m happy to let them cook but at the same time I’m really hoping for some big news in June, when there’d normally be E3.
Inbox also-rans
I have never heard of the London Gaming Market before but I shall now be going on Sunday, so thanks for that tip-off.
Summer Game Fest has got a long, long way to before it can be as fun as E3. Last year’s event was boring and had nothing of interest, I really don’t hold out much hope.
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