Meghan Markle is working on Netflix animated series (Picture: Rex/Getty/Netflix Meghan Markle is working on an upcoming animated series for Netflix that follows the story of an...
Get to know the narrator of Love Island USA (Picture: Getty/CBS) Love Island USA viewers have been loving the work of narrator Matthew Hoffman for the...
AJ Bunker looks set to shake up the villa (Picture: ITV/REX/Shutterstock) It looks like more trouble could be stirred up in the Love Island villa as...
Jussie Smollett was seen arriving in court in Chicago (Picture: Reuters) Jussie Smollett has returned to court where he maintained his innocence after facing new charges...
Hailey Baldwin said claims Justin Bieber yelled at her were ‘beyond false’ (Picture: Instagram/Hailey Bieber/Twitter/JBCrewdotcom) Hailey Baldwin has spoken out after a video surfaced appearing to...
Britney Spears has called for her father to be removed as her conservator (Picture: Rex) Britney Spears has told a court that she wants her father...
Joe Exotic will be resentenced but remain in prison (Picture: AP/Rex) Joe Exotic’s current sentence has been vacated by a judge, but the Tiger King star...
Brad McClelland has insisted their relationship is ‘faultless’ (Picture: ITV) Love Island 2021 star Brad McClelland has admitted he’s changed his mind and wishes Lucinda Strafford...
Lucinda and Brad had to choose which of them would leave the villa (Picture: ITV) Love Island 2021 star Brad McClelland has left the villa after...
Jerry O’Connell is replacing Sharon Osbourne on The Talk (Picture: Getty) After months of rumours, it has finally been confirmed that Jerry O’Connell will be replacing...